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Full Version: [GET] Account Creator Extreme 4.0.2 (20+ Supported Websites) + Now With Bot Creator
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Hey guys been working on this big update for awhile glad I can finally share it with you all, so in this version I have added the ability to create your own bot that will automate a webpage and fill in the details. It still needs alittle bit of work but works none the less. Would appreciate it if you guys could test it out and give me some feedback. I have not made a tut for it because im so tired, but those of you who know how to find an element ID in the source of a page should understand this it's pretty simple. Also the manual submitter has received an upgrade and if you haven't checked out the autofill feature yet I recommend you give that a try as it works on unsupported websites, new setting files have been added to make sure you move them into your current version folder. Would appreciate if someone could make a tut for me [Image: wink.png] ENJOY!

If you would like to support the development of this program any contribution would help. [Image: btn_donate_LG.gif]

[Image: imagecvw.png]
[Image: image2hc.png]
[Image: image3lnq.png]

What's New-
Major Version Change
Bot Creator (make your own bots ftw)
Icons Added To Manual Submitter
History Copy To Clipboard (requested)
New Autofill Menu Features

Automatically Creates Accounts On 20+ Websites Including Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail, And Many More (Except Captcha)
Bot Maker (create your own bots and automate webpages)
Smart Autofill (submit even on unsupported sites)
Manual Submitter (submit to custom email sites with the autofill menu "right click")
Generates Full Profile With One Click
5 Built In Disposable Email Services (One Click)
Real Names and Usernames (Editable)
Proxy Support
Advanced Profile System
Advanced Settings
Customizable Theme
Handy Rightclick Autofill Menu
Over 200,000 Built In Names

Q: What does this program do?
A: This program creates accounts on multiple websites and saves the details for you
Q: Does this program solve captcha and phone verification?
A: No this program was coded in visual basic with basic coding skills I don't have the understanding.
Q: Does this program support proxies?
A: Yes i have tested public proxies with this program and aslong as they are fast they work fine
Q: When will this program be multithreaded and solve captchas
A: I don't know probably never, this program is coded by me and me only. I have basic knowledge of visual basic coding I don't sell this application so it will remain pretty basic deal with it :-)
Q: How can i help this application improve
A: Please provide detailed feedback of any problems or feature requests you have or if you would like I accept donations witch will allow me to spend more time coding.
Q: Do you add websites upon request?
A: Sure if i check out the website and im able to automate the form i will add it, simple.
Q: This program does not work?
A: I have not been coding this program for very long I have only tested it myself on UK version of websites if it does not work and your from another country im sorry.
Q: The bot creator does not work?
A: The bot creator does not work on all websites it is only able to identify elements by ID or Name and will not work on flash websites.
Q: Why is this free, will you ever sell it?
A: This program is free because free stuff is awesome :) I doubt I will ever sell this application as I like to share it with everyone but I can't say never.

Virus Scan-

thanks for share man :) rep added
Np buddy, if you would like to share the projects you create inside the bot maker you can find them in the bot maker folder in the settings folder :)

Edit: Guys please download hotfix 4.0.1 made a small mistake that may stop projects saving links and virus scan updated.
not working with me...the browse not responding
working Nice For Me I love This Bot Thanks Again To silentrunner2
What browser?
Any Tutorial On Bot Creator Function
Hey Silentrunner2,
great software.
I have a bit of a confusion on how to use the bot maker :/
As I'm not an expert in this coding, what should I fill in in the boxes?
Sorry for the stupid question, but I think it is a great tool to use if I know how to use that part too.
You need to find a website you like using the manual submitter, once your on the registration page use the right click menu click bot maker and send the url to the registration box. Then still on the registration page you need to right click again, click bot maker then view source. You then need to identify the ID= for the diffarent boxs you wish to fill.
(06-01-2013 03:17 AM)silentrunner2 Wrote: [ -> ]You need to find a website you like using the manual submitter, once your on the registration page use the right click menu click bot maker and send the url to the registration box. Then still on the registration page you need to right click again, click bot maker then view source. You then need to identify the ID= for the diffarent boxs you wish to fill.
Thank you,
I tried but I think I made some errors as I got errors messages back :(
Maybe it would be good a video or some kind of tutorial for this function.
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