What do you think ? is this any better than promote me pro ? In my opininon it is, having more sites, but google plus nobody confirm it working ?
I have a Fatal error: Cannot redeclare nxs_saveSiteSets_ajax() (previously declared in /var/www/web1000/html/********/wp-content/plugins/social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g/NextScripts_SNAP.php:955) in /var/www/web1000/html/*********/wp-content/plugins/wp_socialPoster/socialPoster.php on line 1799
Pleas Help me?
deactivated social networks auto poster NextScripts and should be activated whithout problem
(05-31-2013 11:00 PM)mausaber Wrote: [ -> ]I have a Fatal error: Cannot redeclare nxs_saveSiteSets_ajax() (previously declared in /var/www/web1000/html/********/wp-content/plugins/social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g/NextScripts_SNAP.php:955) in /var/www/web1000/html/*********/wp-content/plugins/wp_socialPoster/socialPoster.php on line 1799
Pleas Help me?
...LOL... Thanks @ netfinder ... i´m so crazy... I have tomatos on my eyes....
G+ not working for every body i think :(
Yep, still cant get Google or Pinterest to work, but the others are fine.
I was not able to get the twitter and wp based blog to work along with G+ and pinterest. Twitter is showing a big error.... anybody can put light on to this please.
For wordpress - am getting this error: Something went wrong - 500 : You are not allowed to do that.Something went wrong - 500 : You are not allowed to do that.
(06-03-2013 06:31 PM)vraghav Wrote: [ -> ]For wordpress - am getting this error: Something went wrong - 500 : You are not allowed to do that.Something went wrong - 500 : You are not allowed to do that.
Twitter is working fine. Make sure to set up your Twitter API correctly, all should be fine.