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Full Version: Can I make money on my website using only Social networks and bookmarks ?
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Looking for ranking your keyword seems to be hard somehow, specially for saturated niches like lose weight and make money niches, So I wonder if I created a new site and make my most efforts only on promoting it on social networks and bookmarks sites. Can I make money on ?
My strategy is to create a lot of short reports [to presell clickbank products] and a lot of articles [to promote these reports in] and start working on:
Adding new friends, start socializing my site and reports with them, asking them what problems they may have, searching for solution, etc...
I know it's slow process dealing with social sites, but I mean after 3 or 6 months, may I succeed with this method to make money ?
Or dealing with social sites doesn't seem a good idea to build a website for and make money ?
Anyone has a previous experience with this ?
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