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Full Version: [REQ] AUTO BINARY EA
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I Lokk for this great tool were can share this?
ok guys can help a new marketer on germany to crack this tool?
(05-26-2013 07:03 PM)mausaber Wrote: [ -> ]ok guys can help a new marketer on germany to crack this tool?
Why? Is it free 90 days. Anyone had experience with it?
Hey Guys, i am from germany and i searched a bit on german sites about that tool. and what i find out: it works but so bad that it seems to be a SCAM because this bot will throw away your money faster than you can think about. i read a article from a professional trader who tested that tool and he says if you use it you need to control it all the time and you need also the same knowledge in Binary Options to earn something. dont try i am really sure its a scam... and yes there is a 90 days free trial but you need to invest money to trade that binarys and it have to be 250$ min. (or something like that).
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