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Full Version: [GET] WSO 790317 - PLR to $1000 Big Ticket "How to Become an IM Guru" Training Program
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Welcome If you like this don't forget to +REP me!! Tnx.Wink
"as you know, it sells for $1000 on my site"

Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin

Silly question - a course on how to become an IM guru but what's this guy famous for? Did I miss it?

Sean Mize is the top eZineArticle author with over 25,000 of his articles submitted there. He uses the articles to drive traffic to his squeeze pages and build his list. He then sells products and his high-end coaching programs.
Following on from my previous post: having said he has published more than 25k articles on; most of these were probably "How to become an Internet Guru" could be !! Biggrin Maybe he's reading from a ghost-written script? Biggrin Biggrin

Links to a load of his downloads:-

42rock [hide][/spoiler]
+Repped! Thanx.

(05-20-2013 05:24 AM)ryebaz Wrote: [ -> ]+ Repped. Nice share for a newcomer...

Links to a load of his downloads:-

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