05-15-2013, 02:57 PM
![[Image: top.png]](http://easyinternetprofitshop.biz/top.png)
![[Image: guru.png]](http://easyinternetprofitshop.biz/guru.png)
![[Image: pic.png]](http://easyinternetprofitshop.biz/pic.png)
If I promised you $3,000.00 a day with just 2 minutes of work...
...Would you hear me out?
What if I said you could be driving this brand new Lamborghini tomorrow?
![[Image: lambo.png]](http://easyinternetprofitshop.biz/lambo.png)
![[Image: mansion.png]](http://easyinternetprofitshop.biz/mansion.png)
and that's exactly how the Guru's begin their sales pitch and steal your hard earned money right out of your pockets...
...time and time again...
Now, If you don't know who the Guru's are...
...They are the bastards that flash their fancy...
Mansions, Yachts, Super Cars, and Money...
![[Image: board.png]](http://easyinternetprofitshop.biz/board.png)
...in front of you day in and day out.
These are the guys that promise you riches, but leave you in the *marked as SPAM*...
The saddest part is, these no good, greedy, selfish Guru's really do have all of these luxurious items.
They have become Master Salesmen of the internet.
And we all know, that the garbage systems they sell to you, don't have a chance in hell
of generating you a single penny.
These Gurus really do strike it rich feeding off of peoples false hopes.
It disgusts and saddens me to see how the internet market has shaped up.
But, let's forget about the bad guys for now, because we are putting them in the past.
Let's talk about YOU.
I'm willing to make a bet that you are still looking for a realistic way to earn money online.
You are looking for something that is 100% real, simple, and achievable in just the next few days.
How does $150.00 - $850.00 a day sound?
It’s not a million dollars over night…
But this amount is COMPLETELY achievable in literally the next few days…
…And I can get you earning this with just 30 to 45minutes of set up time with my easy to use systems.
Listen, the internet market is EXPLODING all across the globe…
…And reaching out to BILLIONS of people.
It is the LARGEST market the Earth has ever seen!
And even with economies across the globe sinking...
...the internet continues to prosper and grow at an alarming rate!
This means there is more and more money being shuffled around online, EVERYDAY.
AND YES, there are numerous ways to make money online without:
X Having any Tech Skills
X Having to Invest Hundreds of Dollars
X Having to do Long Surveys
X Having to set up a Pyramid Scheme
X Having to do Advertising
X Having to Run Websites
X Having to Blog Daily
There really are HUNDREDS of ways to consistently make $150.00 - $850.00 per day online…
…Even as a COMPLETE amateur.
Now, I'm not going to sit here and tell you that you are going to become a instant millionaire overnight.
Because the fact of the matter is nobody has EVER made millions of dollars in 1 night from a few simple clicks...
...And nobody ever will.
This is a fairy tale the Guru's love twisting, bending, and re-telling you…
![[Image: cinderalla.png]](http://easyinternetprofitshop.biz/cinderalla.png)
…to dig into your pockets, and steal your hard earned money.
From the “Guy Who Hacked Google”, to the “Guy That Solved the Internet Code”…
They’ve created just about every story possible to continuously steal innocent peoples money…
So, if you still believe these fairy tales...
...Especially after what I just shared with you...
You can exit this page, go out to your local gas station, and invest in the lottery.
![[Image: mega.png]](http://easyinternetprofitshop.biz/mega.png)
But, for the individuals who are ready to dedicate about 30minutes of time every FEW days...
...and really generate around $150.00 - $850.00 extra dollars per day.
Then stick around.
Because I have re-opened my Easy Internet Profit Shop for the next 9 individuals who are ready to escape from the Circle of Guru Fairy Tale Scams.
My Easy Internet Profit Shop is loaded with hundreds of tactics that are designed specifically for the amateur internet marketer, such as yourself.
If you can:
![[Image: arrowgreen.png]](http://easyinternetprofitshop.biz/arrowgreen.png)
![[Image: arrowgreen.png]](http://easyinternetprofitshop.biz/arrowgreen.png)
![[Image: arrowgreen.png]](http://easyinternetprofitshop.biz/arrowgreen.png)
![[Image: arrowgreen.png]](http://easyinternetprofitshop.biz/arrowgreen.png)
Then you are more than qualified to use the tools that my Easy Internet Profit Shop has to offer.
You see, I have been marketing online for over 17 years.
I'm a true veteran that has seen every single angle of making money online through all these years
I know what works, and what doesn't more than just about anybody in this industry.
Especially more than these Get Rich Quick Guru Scam Artists...
Some of my colleagues refer to me as the "Grand Master of the Internet".
You see, I really have made millions of dollars from the internet.
But it didn't come with a click of a mouse and miraculously appear in my bank account over night.
It came from trial and error.
A LOT of trial and error.
You see, through my years I have formulated hundreds of systems that generate on average of $150.00 - $850.00 a day online.
And I personally have these systems in place, running on auto - pilot, right now.
Each and every day they successfully generate me on average of $150.00 - $850.00 a day.
With your Membership to my Easy Internet Profit Shop, you have access to ALL of these time proven, 24/7 money generating systems.
![[Image: testi1.png]](http://easyinternetprofitshop.biz/testi1.png)
![[Image: testi2.png]](http://easyinternetprofitshop.biz/testi2.png)
Now you must be thinking to yourself,
"Wait just a second, why the hell is he giving me his money generating systems?"
"Why doesn't he keep all of the profits to himself like anybody else would?"
Simply put, the time has come now that I hang my hat, and enjoy sweet, sweet retirement to the fullest.
I can honestly say I've made enough money these past 17 years to
put all my boys through college and give them all a GREAT life.
I've made enough to buy a few dream houses across the world for my wife and I to enjoy.
I simply don’t want my System’s to go to waste when I retire…
…As I have been mastering them for 17 years!
And since I am only allowing 9 Member’s to my Easy Internet Profit Shop.
You have NO worries when it comes to saturation.
I have HUNDREDS of these easy to use systems that each generate $150.00 - $850.00 per day!
So, if you are willing to commit around 30 to 45 minutes every 3-4 days…
…You are more than ready then for a Membership to my Easy Internet Profit Shop…
…I have set up for you:
![[Image: crop.png]](http://easyinternetprofitshop.biz/crop.png)
This small one time donation to cover the hosting fees helps me weed out the ones who are “Thankful” for what I am sharing today.
It’s not every day a guy like my-self retires and decides to hand over the keys to his kingdom.
![[Image: success.png]](http://easyinternetprofitshop.biz/success.png)
And each system averages $150.00 to $850.00 profit per day.
…And you can set up as many as you like.
I personally have around 300 live right now that are generating me on average $75,000.00 per day!
Look, you are here for a reason.
Somehow, someway, a buddy of mine invited you here to save you from the fairy tale lies of the Gurus.
You simply have to click below, to change your future forever.
What are you waiting for?
You have a FULL PROOF 100% Money Back Guarantee with your Membership.
So you have absolutely NOTHING to lose…
…And everything to gain…
If you decide to put this opportunity on the back burner…
…And decide that you will check back tomorrow…
…Don’t be surprised when you see my website is offline…
![[Image: 404error.png]](http://easyinternetprofitshop.biz/404error.png)
…And secured their position to take advantage of my $150.00 - $850.00 per day systems.
And your opportunity will be forever lost…
…So don’t live the rest of your life caught up in the circle of Guru Fairy Tales.
Take advantage today of something that really does generate you a HUGE income from home.
With my FULL PROOF 60 Day Money Back Guarantee, you have nothing to lose!
![[Image: testi3.png]](http://easyinternetprofitshop.biz/testi3.png)
![[Image: testi4.png]](http://easyinternetprofitshop.biz/testi4.png)
![[Image: 17price.png]](http://easyinternetprofitshop.biz/17price.png)
![[Image: 60.png]](http://easyinternetprofitshop.biz/60.png)
Think about that, HUNDREDS of $150.00 - $850.00 per day systems.
And they only take 30 – 45minutes a piece to set up!
So if you take 2 hours tonight, and set up 4 systems that generate the minimum of $150.00…
If you do the math, that’s a GUARANTEED $600.00 you could have profited within your first 24hours by TAKING ACTION NOW!
It’s not a million dollars over night.
I have to warn you, somebody could be securing the 9th and final position RIGHT NOW.
So let me let you go, and go ahead and sign up RIGHT NOW…
…Because time is running out.
So get started TODAY before it’s too late, and you are left out forever.
Only 9 more sign-ups will be accepted, and my doors will be closed FOREVER
![[Image: 17price.png]](http://easyinternetprofitshop.biz/17price.png)