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How to Profit from Disaster

How to Profit from Disaster! is the new 21 page Employment
Strategy Guide that shows you how to change your financial situation
quickly and efficiently with minimal training when disaster strikes.

[Image: Profitcover.jpg]
Get it Now for only $9.95!
When Disaster strikes, will you be a Leader with the knowledge and
skills to help family and friends or join the mass of Lemmings that
blindly follow waiting for handouts?
With minimum training, make thousands of dollars per week just like we did!

Released by former Navy Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD)
Technician, counter-terrorism training company founder and Globally
Employable author Steve Cassidy along with co-author James Corder, teach
you to legally and ethically profit when disaster strikes!

Here's What You're Going to Learn:
  • Learn what to have in the house or in your pack when the S#*t hits the fan.
  • Newly updated to include radiation hazards and how to best protect yourself.
  • How much money you can make when the S#*t hits the fan.
  • Learn all the different pays you can make responding to disasters.
  • Define man-made disasters, natural disasters and how to respond to them.
  • What training you need based on what kind of disaster response you want to provide.
  • How and where to get hired.
  • What gear you'll need. Don't show up to a gun fight with a knife.
  • Choice of weapons? That's in there too!
  • You may not change your job but you'll know how to make a significant income and travel the world!
  • The purpose of this 21 page employment strategy guide is to not only to prepare you to win (stay alive) but also How to Profit from Disaster!

Get it Now for only $9.95!
Reps are always appreciated
Another share that essentially conveys the true meaning of a Bengali proverb, "Karo Chaitra Mas To Karo Sarbonash", One's Crisis Is Another's Profit.
there is nothing here, this leads to clickbank order form
(05-11-2013 06:43 PM)afrobenin Wrote: [ -> ]there is nothing here, this leads to clickbank order form
You'll have to manually enter the 2nd URL, which worked and brought me to the .pdf, but it won't open without a password. (and no, it isn't the same PW as on the Thank You page).
direct download:

[hide] [/spoiler]

password to open pdf:

How to Profit from Disaster (1 PDF eBook)

Note: I "REMOVED" the Password from the PDF File (No Password Required to Read)!!!

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Time to go now... They have "Free Cookies" over at the Dark Side of the Interwebz, and I don't want to be late!!!

Have Fun...

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