1.When does this Awesome Course go Live?
Local Lead Igniter goes live on Monday May 6th at 11:30 am EST.
2.What service does this involve selling to business owners?
The course is mainly about getting new customers leading with Lead Gen. I go over some strategies that will help you get more value out of the client on the Back End after you've built rapport with them.
It works really well for just about any service though because it enables you to have legitimate conversations with businesses who want help with their marketing.
3.Does this involve SEO at all?
The course doesn't talk about SEO at all. SEO is one strategy you can use to generate leads for clients, but again, don't go into "Fulfillment" too much in the course!
4.What tech skills are needed to implement this?
Technical skills will really only come into play if you decide to use a software like Open VBX which will require some set up using cpanel, mySql Database etc.... which I will show in a video how to set up if you choose to go that route. It's actually quite easy.
5.Can the calls be taken by a Voice Mail as opposed to Live?
The calls can be taken via Voicemail like I show on the sales page and that is done using the Free OpenVBX software.
6.Are there any OTO's / Upsells and are they needed to make this work?
There are two additional offers. Neither of which are needed obviously.
The first is another Software that actually pulls leads for your business. These are people who are already buying leads and most of them are unhappy! The software also pulls back data showing where a high volume of leads are already being generated.
I cover how to find the same info in the main course by doing it manually, the software just speeds up the process.
The second additional offer is a set of THREE "Animated Scribe" videos that are designed to generate leads for Roofers, Plumbers, and HVAC companies! They are actually CUSTOM videos that cost me $500 each to have made! So they are GOOOOOD.
thanks for the share. This is basically what the ebook is about and the process of doing everything, (took it out the ebook)
The Power Sequence
Day 1 – Direct Mail or Email Sent
Day 5 – Voice Broadcast or Phone Call w/Email Follow Up
Day 7 – Voice Broadcast or Phone Call w/Email Follow Up
Day 8 – Direct Mail or Email Sent
Day 12 – Voice Broadcast or Phone Call w/Email Follow Up
Day 14 – Voice Broadcast or Phone Call w/Email Follow Up
Day 15 – Direct Mail or Email Sent
Day 19 – Voice Broadcast or Phone Call w/Email Follow Up
Day 21 – Voice Broadcast or Phone Call w/Email Follow Up
The zip is 5 short ebooks consisting of mainly of email and phone scripts and brief descriptions of what to do and why you are doing it. It definitely seems to be a little incomplete without the other stuff in the course. It's basically voicebroadcast..not a new concept, never tried it so I can't say whether it's effective or not, but at least this course seems to emphasize following up with the leads which is KEY to getting replies and interest from prospects.
Here are some more mirrors...hopefully someone can get the other material
was about to download but saw that its a .exe file when its only a pdf and should be coming as a .zip - anybody else actually downloaded and opened it yet?
Yea Britcpa, these mirror sites can be tricky if you raw dog them with no protection. Uncheck them boxes. Shit will have you downloaded adware that is hard to get off if you aren't careful.
(05-07-2013 08:07 PM)Joro11 Wrote: [ -> ]Anybody got the videos?
Here goes the videos + software
Magic Button :
This was called ""Offline Two Step""
and some more stuffs here, thanks to my friend connectthedots:
Here is 2/3 of the program: training + 1st OTO (software).
Just purchased the $9 program (mostly PDFs) and the $17 software OTO. Make mirrors, only about 8MB.
2nd OTO is 3 scribble prospecting videos (I think for roofer, plumber,
HVAC). I DID not purchase the videos -- perhaps one of you generous cats
will decide to pony up the $27? Here's a direct link to the 3 scribble
vids OTO purchase page:
The software is Adobe Air-based, and it doesn't appear to need nulling.
No request for serial, registration, etc. It's a lead scraper for
Got some more of direct links to pdf(s)