Having my eyeballs make contact with this baby might make my self-esteem grow up a notch.
Ok, kidding, just another way of saying that if someone could share this I'm baby sure it will be much appreciated by a few fellow BBHFers including this one...
buy it and share it with us
seriously out of pocket money right now, hence this req.
If it makes you feel better, I did share my last buy with you guys,
as I get tons of value from this great forum
(though under a different name, of which I lost the pw after cookie cleanup,
and forgot the email under which I subscribed, so faster to simply create new user)
(05-07-2013 02:58 AM)mobhugger Wrote: [ -> ]buy it and share it with us
lol really? you joined oct 2012 and as far as I know the cookie cleanup happened a long time after that.
Also why would you want a product where you have to invest money to make it work, since you can't even afford the cost of that product.
Yes, THIS particular acct. was created in oct 2012. But the one I was referring to was much prior to that date, and I had a nice number of posts under the belt there. Problem is that I actually forgot the username but most importantly which of my gmail accts I registered with, and I really don't have time to go to all my gmail accts to find which one I used there.
Second, the cookies I am referring to is the cookie-cleanup I've done ON MY BOX last week, not whatever happened on this BBHF site. Let's not mix unrelated things, please.
Third, I guess wanting a product I can't afford is my masochistic side coming out ... hehe
Finally, who cares about me and my cookies or whatever my bank acct weighs! This is a moot point and pretty off-topic here. Let's get back to the OP please: if someone has that particular product to share - or some $ to burn on some potentially interesting new wso (then share with the rest of us !!!), you have the URL to go to in the OP.
(05-07-2013 04:03 AM)mobhugger Wrote: [ -> ]lol really? you joined oct 2012 and as far as I know the cookie cleanup happened a long time after that.
Also why would you want a product where you have to invest money to make it work, since you can't even afford the cost of that product.