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Full Version: [Get] [150+ Sold]$150+/Day Without Spending A DIME! ".. I'm already #1 on Google!..."
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WSO Sales Page:

As requested here:


Please do not just leech! Make mirror's,review or at least leave the op a + Rep for your appreciation of his hard work, or he just may not F****** bother next time.
thanks friend
this is scam. just scroll on pdf to last page, fake earning screenshot. march, 23 and march, 26 has different amount but almost same bar length.
(05-06-2013 11:08 PM)phoenix9 Wrote: [ -> ]this is scam. just scroll on pdf to last page, fake earning screenshot. march, 23 and march, 26 has different amount but almost same bar length.
Yes, i agree with phoenix9. This looking fake
Thanks mate :)
(05-06-2013 11:27 PM)extremesenuke Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-06-2013 11:08 PM)phoenix9 Wrote: [ -> ]this is scam. just scroll on pdf to last page, fake earning screenshot. march, 23 and march, 26 has different amount but almost same bar length.
Not only that but one screenshot is very, very slighter longer than the other BUT the longer one depicts less earnings than the shorter one !

Mar 26 ( just a tad longer screenshot > $352.03
Mar 23 > $ 357.88

By rights it should be the other way round, ha.

Infamy! Infamy! They've all got it in for me! ( infamy) :)

Thanks for the share to the op, though.
Yet another WSO !
a share I doubt
Nothing new :
Step 1: Find long-tail keywords
Step Two: Grab any ClickBank Product
Step Three: Use Animoto to produce a video
Step Four: Edit Details in you YouTube's account for the video
Step Five: Maintenance
And In the Conclusion - there is his fake screen shot.

The pdf consists of 12 pages.
Step Four is covering seven whole pages (50 % of the content) on how to use Amimoto.
It's crazy Smile

He doesn't say a word about proper SEO (views, back links, comments, subscribers etc..).
The method described in the blueprint is a BS.

Don't waste your time, guys and gals! Cool
no wonder this guy is a scammer he is basically a kid who loves to scam people
Pages: 1 2
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