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Full Version: [GET] All Social Exchange Bot v1.0 - AMF, YLH, LikeASAP,
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All Social Exchange Bot v1.0
[Image: eCMnMH7.png]

This is all in one social exchang bot. This bot is for

->>>[[[Reported by Members as Spam Abused Referral Site]]]<<<

and more sites coming soon

All Social Exchange Bot Features:

-Website Hits Module

-Support Proxies

-scheduling tool to run at set intervals

-you can run all websites at same time
[hide]Download: Virus Total (0/46)[/hide]
Lol, you just got this from BHT. At least say your source in this case.
this thing is asking for an account and when i click the sign up in the bot its redirecting me to fileice
BHT is crap and when owner is giving i t for free it means its totally crap.other than that it seems like early beta ,you accounts on this sites won't last more than 15-30 minutes .
Watch out with this... this is shared from BHT and will get your youlikehits account banned in under 15 mins
Another shit from the other forum, after trying to give 1000 points for members to join his sh$$$ website, he create this bot hoping that he can drive more subscribers desperately to his social exchange website ...

pathetic as Admin ....
It's working. Thank You.
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