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Full Version: Help us for save peoples
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Pages: 1 2
Now that's problem solved.......

Someone hacked my PP account.. Don't send any money to this account.. If you see any kinds of fund request.. Don't send any money.. Just cancel that request... Sorry for that... Apology...
Government should give total support
But unfortunately Gov. are BAD. Not getting any helps from Gov..
You don't know, How much problem we face in this country ... :'( If Government can help, we never try to collect money from others.
And, Our Government don't care about those people who have on dangers or tragedy. :(
Would you like to create paypal donation button?
I put donation code. But not showing any button.
I create a new donation code and put it on post. Can't see the donation logo.
Now Anyone can donate with this link...
Pages: 1 2
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