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Full Version: [GET] SENuke XCR 3.0.92 - Fix for Hotmail
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(05-05-2013 02:32 PM)stevencheng Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-05-2013 12:59 PM)phumap Wrote: [ -> ]no need to download precreated hotmail
(05-05-2013 12:24 PM)netfinder Wrote: [ -> ]thanks mr phumap

my friend
i think precreated HOTMAIL ACCOUNTS i got message to activate senuke
yeah,same situation as mine,need activate senuke when precreated HOTMAIL ACCOUNTS

Are you guys R*******. It's been the same as the past Senuke versions even before xCR. You need a proper license if you want to get pre-created accounts because it is taken from their servers >_>
any cnance of a portable version?
thanks thank U Thank You Very MUCH :}
try this:

(05-05-2013 07:09 PM)roddyfonline Wrote: [ -> ]any cnance of a portable version?
more reps for u m8...thanks for the portable version, keep it coming!
portable version mirror:

Works, and creates accounts! Thanks!

May i know how to put the crack in senuke.
When i try,i get error messages,don't know rly.
Please help me how u guys are putting the cracks or any steps.

i am using portable version currently. :)

try to rename senuke.exe to senuke_old.exe or anything else then copy cracked senuke.exe to installed folder.
(05-05-2013 09:49 PM)streamlax Wrote: [ -> ]Phumap?

May i know how to put the crack in senuke.
When i try,i get error messages,don't know rly.
Please help me how u guys are putting the cracks or any steps.

i am using portable version currently. :)

Great work man thanks
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