05-05-2013, 04:36 AM
Cheat Sheet
Facebook Marketing All-in-One For Dummies
From Facebook Marketing All-in-One For Dummies, 2nd Edition by Amy Porterfield, Phyllis Khare, Andrea VahlFacebook is the most powerful social network on the planet. With close to a billion active users, Facebook presents a unique opportunity to connect with and educate your ideal audience in a way that your website and even your blog can’t come close to matching. If you're a big brand such as Starbucks, or a small, lesser-known mom-and-pop shop, or anywhere in between, Facebook’s platform can turn a business into a living, breathing, one-to-one online marketing machine. Facebook is changing the game, so jump on board!
Determining Which Facebook Page Type to Use
Facebook offers many types of Pages to encourage community and networking. To create the biggest buzz around your product, service, or business, you need to be aware of Facebook’s Page options and the pros and cons of each option. Keep this in mind: It’s almost always best to create a business Page for your product or service.
Facebook gives you six main options: Local Business or Place, Company Organization or Institution, Brand or Product, Artist Band or Public Figure, Entertainment, and Cause or Community. The following questions will help you decide which type of Page is best for your business:
Nothing says “engagement” like shopping. By giving your loyal customers a way to buy your products and in the same stroke share the news of their purchase with their Friends on Facebook, you could gain momentum toward brand awareness and potential increased revenue. That’s one of the main reasons to have a Facebook business Page in the first place! Following are reasons to use your Facebook Page as an e-commerce store:
Placing ads on Facebook provides one of the most targeted advertising opportunities on the Internet today. You decide the exact demographics of the people who will see your ad. Narrowing down the audience lets you be pretty sure that whoever clicks your ad is your target customer.
Understanding how Facebook ads work and how best to use them will ensure you create a successful ad campaign. The following points will help you prepare a solid Facebook ads campaign that best fits your brand:
Facebook Marketing All-in-One For Dummies
From Facebook Marketing All-in-One For Dummies, 2nd Edition by Amy Porterfield, Phyllis Khare, Andrea VahlFacebook is the most powerful social network on the planet. With close to a billion active users, Facebook presents a unique opportunity to connect with and educate your ideal audience in a way that your website and even your blog can’t come close to matching. If you're a big brand such as Starbucks, or a small, lesser-known mom-and-pop shop, or anywhere in between, Facebook’s platform can turn a business into a living, breathing, one-to-one online marketing machine. Facebook is changing the game, so jump on board!
Determining Which Facebook Page Type to Use
Facebook offers many types of Pages to encourage community and networking. To create the biggest buzz around your product, service, or business, you need to be aware of Facebook’s Page options and the pros and cons of each option. Keep this in mind: It’s almost always best to create a business Page for your product or service.
Facebook gives you six main options: Local Business or Place, Company Organization or Institution, Brand or Product, Artist Band or Public Figure, Entertainment, and Cause or Community. The following questions will help you decide which type of Page is best for your business:
- Is your business a “bricks and mortar” store? When you click the Local Business or Place option, you see a drop-down menu with several category choices. You can choose one of these categories to create a Page, or if none of the categories fits your business, you can choose Local Business and go from there. The Info page for this type of business page is very detailed, with editing fields for hours of operation, parking options, and price ranges. As soon as you click Create Page, you also have the Facebook Places format merged in. This format means that people can check in when they visit your store in real life, and those check-in numbers will be listed on your Page next to your like numbers.
- Do you have online products to sell? Choosing Brand or Product will give you the best Info tab for your type of business.
- Are you running for president? Even though the public may find you entertaining, you’re considered to be a Public Figure, and if you choose Politician as the subcategory, you have info fields for your political affiliation and views.
- Is your Page only about your book or your CD? You may be tempted to choose the Artist Page type, but if your Page is only about your artistic project, choose Entertainment instead. If you then choose the Book category, you have an info tab with fields for International Standard Book Number and other details.
- Do you operate a nonprofit organization? You may be tempted to click the Cause or Community Page type, but take your time to browse through all the options first to ensure the category best fits your business.
- Think you made a mistake? No worries. You can change your Page type and category even after you’ve created the Page. Just navigate to your new Page, click the Edit Page button in your Admin panel, click Update Info, and click the navigation link titled Basic Information. Then use the drop-down menus to redefine the Page.
Nothing says “engagement” like shopping. By giving your loyal customers a way to buy your products and in the same stroke share the news of their purchase with their Friends on Facebook, you could gain momentum toward brand awareness and potential increased revenue. That’s one of the main reasons to have a Facebook business Page in the first place! Following are reasons to use your Facebook Page as an e-commerce store:
- Your existing customers are already there. Facebook is becoming the hub for all kinds of activity, including shopping.
- Free store applications are plentiful. Free shopping applications make it easy for anyone to have an online store. You can use the search options to find good ones, or note which ones are already in use on your favorite Facebook Pages. Search for PageModo, Payvment, Lujure, and ShopTab to get started.
- There’s no place like home. Potential customers on Facebook like to stay on Facebook. They may see in their News Feeds that one of their Friends has liked your Page and go explore what you have to offer. You need to keep in mind that people may spend more money if it’s easy to stay and shop on your Facebook Page.
- You don’t need a new merchant account. Most apps use PayPal as their payment option. There are two main benefits of using PayPal:
- Many of your users already have PayPal accounts, and those who don’t can use a regular credit card with the PayPal interface.
- The benefit for your company (besides being able to accept credit cards) is that you don’t need to open a bank merchant account to start collecting payments.
- You don’t need to start from scratch. If you’re currently a retailer or are considering promoting a product or service, you should check with the e-commerce system you’re currently using to see whether that system has a Facebook-integration application.
- You get a direct URL to your e-commerce Page. After you have your e-commerce app installed on your business Page, you have a direct URL to use in all your other marketing efforts. Put this URL on everything!
- You can think outside the box (or shopping bag). Video is big on Facebook. If you fancy your site to be a TV-shopping site, for example, you can use the Livestream app to create a custom link with your live video streaming right there. You can introduce your new products and have people call your order department to buy.
Placing ads on Facebook provides one of the most targeted advertising opportunities on the Internet today. You decide the exact demographics of the people who will see your ad. Narrowing down the audience lets you be pretty sure that whoever clicks your ad is your target customer.
Understanding how Facebook ads work and how best to use them will ensure you create a successful ad campaign. The following points will help you prepare a solid Facebook ads campaign that best fits your brand:
- Determine whether Facebook advertising is right for your business. Facebook ads allow you to reach out to people who may not have other means of discovering your expertise, product, or service. In essence, you’re paying for highly targeted people to like you and (you hope!) buy something from you.
- Get clear on Facebook’s ad structure. You opt for cost per click (CPC) — a model in which advertisers pay their host only when their ads are clicked — or you pay based on how many thousands of people see your ad (impressions, or CPM).
- Understand the Facebook ads auction-based system. You bid on how much you’re willing to pay for each action. By action, we mean each time someone clicks your ad or each time Facebook places your ad in front of 1,000 people.
- Determine your Facebook ad type. You can create a Facebook ad for your Facebook Page, for a Facebook Event, for an external website, Sponsored stories, Promoted posts, and much more.
- Consider Engagement ads. When you advertise something internal to Facebook — such as your Page, Event, or application — you’re creating an Engagement ad, which allows people to respond to your ad without actually leaving the Page by clicking Like or clicking to RSVP to your event.
- Gain valuable connections. Advertising your Facebook Page is one of the best things you can do with Facebook ads. You know that the people who click your ad are in your target market and enjoy Facebook. Connecting with new people on your fan Page allows them to get to know you and your company.
- Identify your goals. Before you start spending money, have a goal in mind. What does a successful ad campaign look like? Attracting 50 more fans? Selling 25 more widgets? Having 10 people sign up for your newsletter? Specify your goal, and ascertain a way to track your progress.
- Determine your baseline. Collect some baseline data on how your Facebook Page is performing. How many fans do you get per week through your current efforts? How many website hits from Facebook do you currently receive? Use this info to assess whether paying for an ad campaign is cost-effective.
- Allocate a budget. Allocate a budget and time for the initial testing, as well as the longer-term Facebook ad. You don’t want to spend money on an ad that isn’t converting well. Your initial testing budget should be at most one tenth of your entire ad budget. Run each variation of your ad for a short time to see whether one version significantly outperforms another version.
- Make your initial ad decisions. Map out your strategy before you start. Decide how long to run your ad, how much you want to spend, and how often you want to change things.
- Rotate your ad. Plan on rotating your ad every couple of days to keep it fresh, especially if you’re advertising to a small demographic. This type of campaign isn’t a “set it and forget it” campaign. With luck, when you finish your testing, you’ll have zeroed in on a couple of ads that perform well.
- [hide]http://www.mirrorcreator.com/files/1YCVKJ8A/Facebook.Marketing.All.in.One.For.Dummies.2nd.Edition.pdf_links[/hide]