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Full Version: [GET] Flipping Paradise - Build And Flip Blogs That Make NOTHING for THOUSANDS
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Pages: 1 2
awesome share!

Haven't seen this mentioned previously, so here goes -
Rep+ was been added for your shares. Decent course.
I think there is a new version priced $ 97
Yes, can someone get the new version please? Thanks!
thank you for sharing
(06-10-2013 07:48 PM)moses Wrote: [ -> ]I think there is a new version priced $ 97
No, it is priced currently at $16.40 ... so rush over to the
warrior forum and pick it up... lol ;-)
Thanks to the OP for sharing this WSO.

Have read through this WSO in full. The author puts emphasis on building and selling "unmonetized" sites based on their "potential" as oppposed to revenue. While it is well written and you "might" sell some sites it appears there is a lot of work and time invloved in something that might or might not work. Furthermore unless you are a good article writer you have to invest around $400+ to pay a writer for all the articles. To boost traffic to the site, the author states spending $10 per article (min 10 articles) on advertising, so another $100. You are looking at a minimum $500 investment. That is a lot of money to build a site based only on "potential".

If you look at sites sold on flippa, 95% of them are sold due to their revenue. Sure you may get lucky once in a while if a crazy buyer see's "potential", but unless the site can be monetized it is practically worthless.

Correct me if I'm wrong but selling sites based on "potential" over revenue is an expensive and time consuming game to be in and relies mostly on luck.

This is just my opinion.
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