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Full Version: [$5,00 SEOClerks COUPONS] SEO Services Starting at $1
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hi bro tired the coupon code but it says invalid code, can you please send me another code my username rajrsh77
joined under ur ref link
username: WalkerAlone
already register sir !
my cleoslerk username's : absurdaccount Cool
hola amigosss :D
greets from indonesia :D just wanted to said that i already registered :D

my usn : shantymawar

thanks. XOXO({})

already register under your link... my seoclerk id is lichkingWOW

terima kasih / thank you ;-)
Registered under you, my username is Cl3v3rMan
user name : MelkiBl4ck
waiting the coupon please !!!
This is sad..
A BUNCH of people are trying to cheat the "system" by creating multiple accounts and requesting several coupons..
Like I've already stated earlier.. This is NOT Allowed and you are NOT eligible more than ONE coupon.

ONE Coupon for ONE person. Nothing more and nothing less.
There's also a promo, where you'll get another $2 Extra, 100% Free by doing ONE single tweet..

That's a total of $7 ... TOTALLY FREE OF CHARGE and people are STILL trying to steal more than that.. SHAME ON YOU!

Some of you, might have been able to get more than one coupon. So, "good" for you.
Neither I or SEOClerks will try to hunt you down and ban you... Which we should..
Neither I or SEOClerks will try to disable your coupons... Which we should..

Be happy and satisfied with what you've got.. How often have you've got free money from Fiverr for instance?? I would say Never.

I'm sorry for "pointing fingers" but, here's one dude who's been trying to claim several coupons.

(06-04-2013 05:36 PM)acundollars Wrote: [ -> ]i sign up with your link
my username is : RizkyFaldhi

thank you :)

I've already told you.. You've got your coupon.. You'll NOT get another one.

So, What's this all about?

Has this offer been closed?

NO. Despite all the scamming retards out there, this offer is STILL available..

Read the FIRST Post within this thread and find out How YOU Can Get YOUR Coupon!

Best regards,
i've just registered and username: korresi
hi bro i've just registered. my username is: sukasuki
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