(05-02-2013 05:44 PM)simey69 Wrote: [ -> ]Usual password..
There are a few of these threads about, so I've repeated this post on the other one also, to ensure the clean release is available
Hi Si,
I'm perplexed at having to post this because I can see that others have successfully unzipped the file, but nonetheless the "usual password" is not working for me (bestblackhatforum.com). Is anyone else having difficulty unzipping the file?
Thanks Si... You r awesome..
What IS the password for unzipping this archive,I mean the latest cleaned posted by simey69....I cannot unzip it with the usual one !?Please HELP !!
i think there is no ".com" in password
(05-04-2013 07:23 AM)jaffy Wrote: [ -> ]i think there is no ".com" in password
OK, no wonder, LOL. Minus the .com, I was able to open the archive. For as long as I have been a bbhf member, the "usual" forum password has contained the ".com". It would reduce confusion if everyone stuck to one password (if quoting the forum's general password). Correct me if I am wrong, but I understand it to be: bestblackhatforum.com
(05-02-2013 05:44 PM)simey69 Wrote: [ -> ]** URGENT UPDATE **
Thanks to Jaffy, another infection inside the share has been questioned and found to be present.
It is an email infection, creating a new user and informing the scammer behind the infection that the backdoor has been created.
this infection sends an email with subject 'Wordpress Plugin covertplayer' to
Obviously, feel free to abuse and destroy that email user as much as possible...
To check if you have been hit:
Check your wp installation for a user called wordpress
if found - at least change that user password - even better delete it totally
then check for any unexpected posts, plugins, theme changes etc
new CLEANED version available here:
Usual password..
There are a few of these threads about, so I've repeated this post on the other one also, to ensure the clean release is available
With all the talk about infected files, and I am downloading an .exe file???? Not sre I want to run it, even though the OP tells me it has been cleaned. Why do people share with .exe files with the virus fear attached to such files?
EDIT: I see now why I got an .exe file, the download page has so many download buttons on it, it is hard to tell where the share is. I went back and found it. Sneaky bastards. That is why I like Mediafire.com best for shares.
You don't NEED to download that .exe wingnut2,it's just the file downloader used by so many cyberlockers today,just uncheck the button and download your desired file only.
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