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Full Version: I have some questions
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Hello Everyone!

Just another newbie here.

Anyways for those that have been here for a long time, is there any part of these boards for newbies with questions?

I ended up here after searching around for an Amazon Affiliate program which was posted here in this thread: (Sorry I can't post the original link being a newly registered user.)

[GET] [AMZ Ultimate Content] For Serious Affiliate Marketers Only. NEW Amazon Strategy That Is KILLING It, DON'T MISS IT!

I have already downloaded all of the files on that thread but was unsure exactly how to proceed next.

I have been trying to ask about this whole week but it appears that this site had been experiencing some serious technical difficulties.

Some thing I would like to ask are:

"is that program okay for newbies to try?"

"How much investment is it likely to require?"

"Will I need to invest in both hosting and a website domain?"

"Or is there a way to still make money with this program without
investing in both a domain and website host even if it makes things
less efficient?"

What I do know already is that a website will be required but I was unsure if I could apply any or all of the techniques with all those files and documents downloaded without any additional investments.
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