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Full Version: [get]WishList Member v2.71.1440 Membership Site Plugin
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[Image: 5164760c96fde.jpg]

WishList Member is a powerful, yet easy to use membership solution that can turn any WordPress blog into a full-blown membership site. Just unzip and upload the plugin, and within minutes you’ll have your own membership site up and running… complete with protected, members-only content, integrated payments, member management, and so much more!
no virus total.. get aware boyz
SHA256: 8cabd6d94d4f74b169430a09cc0d56ae58f143bb945d660d8c6273230744c1a9
Erkennungsrate: 0 / 45
Analyse-Datum: 2013-03-22 19:45:25 UTC ( vor 2 Wochen, 4 Tage )
thanks for this........................
Anybody got this working? Reviews please. Thanks.
Quickly Build Your Membership Site With WishList Member™

Trusted by over 43,853 online communities and membership sites worldwide.
Thanks for share, was looking forward, but for me all links are dead
links are ok
Don't try to be smart by linking to your own site OK?
Don't B.S. here with your adfly links OK?
Links without adfly
http://[Reported by Members as spam/premium links]/file/wmpngb4p/wordpr...1.1440.rar

And it is already shared here
Don't leach here and put S***** adfly links here. One more time I will report you to Mod
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