(04-04-2013 05:29 PM) jbrown63 Wrote: [ -> ] Links are down... these guys are monitoring us, as usual.
Cheers, Johnny63
Size :234.2 MB (245556171 bytes)
Magic Button :
Please be hurry and make some mirrors before link will be dead.
@sharp Thanks but hide your download links :)
Was about to do the same... at under $9, it's still quite cheap for the front end.
I'm curious if someone shares the FB Fangate stuff.
I looks (from the car repair bonus), as if it's just some graphics.
These are easily and cheap to get... no one needs additional ones ;-)
Cheers, Johnn63
@King of Marketing
You packaged the videos too?
Great service to the BBHF community!
Cheers, Johnny63
Good Job (Sharp and King of Marketing) anyone has the FB Fan Gates....
Great, we just need the portfolio and FB Fangates now
Many thanks all
I have not tried it but using a portfolio from a past package should work. Just be a matter of changing the iframe links to new package.
These new ones are not much different than Mobi Cash Cyclone. But yes, of course easier to have the portfolio:)
@nicheman and justanumber
I ripped the portfolio pages from the demo-site... links are in post #18 on page 4
The ripped portfolio should work perfectly. I tried it locally. Just edit the button1.html with your own PayPal button.
Cheers, Johnny63
Mirrors portfolio:
Magic Button :