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Full Version: Brian Whits Pushes $50 - $60 In Peerfly Per Day New Method and He Stloe $1925 From Me
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Come find me but Im telling you what...YOU HAD BETTER BRING AN ARMY!!! Your a PUSSY and I completed my first goal and that is to ruin your reputation on all forums and now to youtube I go that will be the next goal.

Your a fraud and you steal peoples money. I cant wait till the day I meet you. You got one coming right to ya and you had better hide in a bunker cause Im bringing heat and im hunting you shit head pussy!!!
"jimp1173" - F****** scammer I tired of you. I've already paid people to find you. The first information I have about this scammer:

1) He lives - North Palm Beach, Florida
2) His FaceBook -
3) Full name - Jim Pullara
3) Also already known his IP

You will pay me much more than $2000 soon.
I have a video coming soon thief!!!
Thanks a lot Jlimp,you are saving People who are following His Dirty CPA Methods .Thanks for Your Post Let Another Find This Post.So,none follow Him.
thanks jimp1173
stop flooding this thread, and stop this scam please
You are very welcome...Any help to expose this turd is my pleasure. Also no I will not stop flooding this thread. Thank you very much!!
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