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Full Version: $50 - $60 In Peerfly Per Day New Method Is A Scam Beware
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Admin I'm ready to give you any screenshots from my LR of any date. To prove that guy is scamming me.
(04-03-2013 05:54 AM)CPAmaster33 Wrote: [ -> ]Admin I'm ready to give you any screenshots from my LR of any date. To prove that guy is scamming me.
Add your fake ass screen shot here. You wont cause you know it's not real. Post it here for everybody to see. Next I will post the wire I did from my bank account that will show that $1925 was wired to LR and then the LR transfer. I have a long sheet of proof to love you up honky!!. Thief scamer you are no balls to post that shit here cause your a liar!!!
Man I become to love you. So many energy and hope. You are the most enthusiastic scammer:-)
Bro I am in the process of ruining your life on the Internet and your personal life. Once you are hunted down you will pay all your mom mas brothers and sisters. America should have nuked the country you live in so you would have benn whipped from this world. Thieves like u will rot in hell and you had better pray to Ali that I don't locate you cause I'm gonna cut ur d**** off and feed it to your sister and shit in your mouth all for fun and whatch u burn like the nigger you are. Today was day one. Wait when you see tomorrow what I have in store for you u F****** ass licker. Will be 10 times what was today. You steal people's money and you think u can get away with it. Not this time u F****** bloody c*** rag you are gonna suffer bigtime mark my word!!
Brian White (whatever your name is), I think you pissed off and scammed too many people. And sounds like you pissed off the wrong person and you may not live to tell about all the money you've scammed from people.

With all the technology nowadays, the right person will be able to hunt you down and you will get what you deserve. IPs, LR account, Skype account, etc., yup, you have a paper/electronic trail.
Its not to hard nowdays to dox a person, i already doxed him. :) i already have his dob, adress.
And yep that shit is in the process. I have begun the process of hnting you down and it will either be myself or somebody I am in contact that I will pay for you to be beat down and put to your demise(if you know what that word means you F***) anyhow you will be domed and fucked beyond belief. Your life is over as you know it. You will not wish to use your hands ever again cause each finger will be chopped of and fed down your throat. Then you will be hung like the NIGGER you are and shot to death. I am warning you you have fucked with the wrong person. You will die for what you have done stealing $1925 from me F*** head.
(04-03-2013 09:05 AM)jimp1173 Wrote: [ -> ]And yep that shit is in the process. I have begun the process of hnting you down and it will either be myself or somebody I am in contact that I will pay for you to be beat down and put to your demise(if you know what that word means you F***) anyhow you will be domed and fucked beyond belief. Your life is over as you know it. You will not wish to use your hands ever again cause each finger will be chopped of and fed down your throat. Then you will be hung like the NIGGER you are and shot to death. I am warning you you have fucked with the wrong person. You will die for what you have done stealing $1925 from me F*** head.
He's a Scammer. Your a Racists. You deserve each other.
Be that as it may he stole from me and I will consider him the biggest piece of trash that ever lived and I will call him what want. You dont like it then dont read it!!! Mind your own buisiness and dont comment if you dont know what the situation is.Hear me !!!
Dear Forum Users,

I think everybody tired of this scammer who tries to earn on me $2000.

1) jimp1173 - biggest scammer, spammer
2) I never ask that money. I ask $6 from buyers first. After they see first earnings they pay $50 for my PDF guide
3) I don't understand why admin is not taking actions.
4) My proof from my LR account:
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