Do you have or you can recomend some good software to index my backlink faster ? Will be great !
Thanks !
Basically any software that builds link will do this (SENuke, AMR, etc). The best way to index you backlinks fast is to backlink the backlinks.
It is possible to get some working software to do that ? Thanks
The best way to use indexing service like indexification or linklicious or lindexed all are good and fast to index your backlinks.
If you don't have the money to spend on indexing services right away, an effective solution is to create a rss feed of all your links using (links2rss dot com) and submit these feeds using K-Soft RSS Submit. This technique works well if you create feeds using spun description and titles.
@davenor where should i put those rss feeds with my backlinks ? some free hosts ? Could you recommend some ?
Thanks for your help !