I search for the WSO ID and it wasn't found here.
So i search the domain name and my bet is right it was been shared here before.
This is now the current WSO salespage for that.
Many Thanks to Model for their time and effort in sharing this product
It's very much appreciated + Rep added
This looks interesting, this guy looks like he knows what he's talking about, unlike Master Bull Sh*tter Alex Jeffrey's who launched a similar product today about Video Sales Letters
My inbox has been flooded today (as usual) with his lying, greedy affiliates promoting his usual IM garbage aimed at naive newbies, promising the usual Get Rich Quick Hype nonsense, just keep spending your money with Alex if your goal is investing your hard earned cash in the hope of earning money online but in reality just getting nowhere fast, chasing the dream!!
In fact if you are on BBHF you are better off checking out here some of the usual crap launches churned out every day by the likes of Alex Jeffreys, who's aim is to draw you in with false promises of riches, then get you to join his inner circle at $27 per month and then sell you high end coaching at $997+ so you can emulate him!
The only person who will get rich is AJ and his drooling mob of affiliates
** Make sure that you check out the thread below for the REAL TRUTH about ALEX J**