03-28-2013, 12:33 AM
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Multimillionaire Stuart Goldsmith, Author of The Midas Method, The 7 Secrets Of The Millionaires, Real Life, Privacy and many others, wants to know... Are You...
" Tired Of Being Broke And
Getting Nowhere...?
Does It Seem That No Matter How Hard You Try You Just Cant Get
Ahead In Life...!!!"
I've been there too and I genuinely believe that it's NOT YOUR FAULT...You've been lied to, conned and cheated from the day you were born...
Now it's time to break FREE from Debt, Desperation and Failure...
![[Image: bundle.jpg]](http://www.powerwealthandsuccess.com/bundle.jpg)
![[Image: WEB006.png]](http://www.powerwealthandsuccess.com/WEB006.png)
Now it's time to break FREE from Debt, Desperation and Failure...
![[Image: bundle.jpg]](http://www.powerwealthandsuccess.com/bundle.jpg)
![[Image: WEB006.png]](http://www.powerwealthandsuccess.com/WEB006.png)
March 27 2013
Dear friend,
Have you noticed how seemingly impossible it is to make more than a modest wage, without someone trying (successfully) to take it away from you?
Strange, isn't it? Just when you think you are getting ahead of the game, WHAM! along comes something to knock you down, time after time.
Ever thought that others were getting ahead but that some ‘unseen force’ seemed to be stopping YOU?
Well you’re right! And I know what it is… but you’re not going to like the answer.
So what's it all about and Who Am I...?
![[Image: Stuart.jpg]](http://www.powerwealthandsuccess.com/Stuart.jpg)
My name is Stuart Goldsmith, I used to be unhappy, unfulfilled and massively in debt ...I was living day to day as a minimum wage BBC engineer...
I did this for many mind numbing years until I discovered what actually was going on and how I was being controlled and held back from the success I deserved...
I started to question what I was being told ...I started to slowly and surely unmask what I call the control conspiracy...A conspiracy designed to keep me a poor compliant wage slave.....
By exposing the hidden agenda of the powers that be and using them to my advantage I am now a multi millionaire living a fantastic life of freedom, wealth and success.
I am also the best-selling author of The Midas Method, The 7 Secrets of the Millionaires, Real Life, Escape The Matrix, Privacy and many other life changing publications.
My books and courses have sold hundreds of thousands of copies worldwide in a dozen countries and have been translated into several languages including Japanese, Korean and Greek...
My sell-out seminars attract people who are happy to pay me £3,000 - £5,000 a ticket to hear what I have to disclose.
I'm not saying this to brag. It's just that if you've never heard of me, you may be wondering if what I have to offer is genuine.
For the last Seventeen years I have mentored over 23,000 people worldwide to improve their finances, gain more personal power in there lives and achieve freedom and success.
I have been their guide and mentor along this exciting path revealing to them everything I have discovered about gaining personal freedom in an un-free world...
I Believe That 99.87% Of The Population Don't Even Know
These Controls Even Exist...
So...What's this got to do with you..?
Well...This letter is an invitation for you
to join them in my Inner Circle
Mentoring Program.
Thousands of people have responded to my personal invitation and joined my Inner Circle. A group dedicated to improving the lives of its members, and under the instruction of someone who has 'been there, done that' - a wealthy individualist who is prepared to share his knowledge with others..
One thing you should know straight away is that I am a Multi Millionaire. That's important. Why would anyone want to learn about making money from a broke person? Beats me! Also, I did not inherit my wealth. I made every penny of it, starting from nothing, running my own business and building it up - and this is the only way (barring luck, crime or marrying it) to make serious money..
I want to share my vast experience of making money with my Inner Circle students
![[Image: WEB0062.png]](http://www.powerwealthandsuccess.com/WEB0062.png)
![[Image: WEB0062.png]](http://www.powerwealthandsuccess.com/WEB0062.png)
The Benefits of Joining My Inner Circle
I'm sure you have many questions about my Inner Circle, and so let me tell you some more about this remarkable group and the benefits it offers if you decide to join:
Inner Circle is a group of like-minded people who seek to break out of poverty. They want personal power and freedom. Many of them are on their way to achieving these goals. 17 years ago The Inner Circle was founded and since then over 23,000 students have received my Inner Circle mentoring program..
Each module will reveal to you materials associated with your particular grade. It takes a few weeks to digest this material and so the normal student is recommended to only read one level per month. I also recommend reading each module at least twice. There are ten levels (grades) in the program. The objective is to rise through these levels and become an Inner Circle Initiate. You do not have to complete all ten levels to reap the benefits..
As you progress through the power grades, you will be shown exactly (in a practical, real way) how to get the knowledge to earn more money in life and how to obtain personal power and freedom.
Direct Download
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Thank You For Your Investment In
"The Inner Circle Wealth Creation
and Success Coaching Program"
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