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Exclusive Russian Filter + Bonus Beginners Guide!

EDIT: Now comes with 100% FREE Bonus Beginners Guide! Step by step campaign setup!!!
From creating an account to geting your very own links!! Eliminate the middle man for good!!
Even your grandmother can get links on Sape with this guide guaranteed! All you need is a credit card!

After countless nights browsing Russian SEO forums with google translate (it sucks)
and some crafty social engineering, we were able to get access to this pretty secret
filter package.

[Image: wAlV9OV.jpg]

What is this useful for you may ask?

Well, it will automatically help you find the cheap sites that have some good link juice
and get rid of the ones you should ignore.

Why would you want this?

You can pretty much eliminate the middle man. There are a lot of folks offering services
on here but you could save money using this guide.

What I can promise.

Well it is a guide that was written totally in Russian. I hired someone to translate it to English
for convenience. But I cannot promise it’s some sort of ultimate guide with step by step
instructions to get number 1 on Google or anything like that. I just figured it would be useful
for a lot of people here.

I’m pretty sure the Russians would be pissed that I am bringing this over to the English community
but it’s time to give back. Since it did cost me quite a bit of money to convince them to sell me it
and get it translated I have to charge a small fee to get this package. All I am trying to do is make the
money back that I spent.

[Image: zHEF2zW.jpg]

What Do I get?

1. An Ebook, completely translated to English even with English captions (below the images)
for easiest understanding as possible.
2. Excel sheets with some special pre calculated buying formulas.
3. A plugin file that is used to auto fill out filter settings on sape (this is the gem of the package).
Haha, Tha Russian is going too kill this guy.. hehe

Sry mate, just reallese and go kill you selvf..
I am looking for this too.
Upload someone please. Smile
looks good after reading reviews at BHW . Wish we have it shared here soon
total rubbish, signed up to some max bounty ad network, no download directed to her. member should be banned.
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