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The Offline Competition Cash System!

Dear Warriors,

Welcome to my latest WSO.

My name is Zesh and I love making money. Whether its OFFLINE or ONLINE I have an addiction of making money online. The beauty of working for yourself is that you are in control of your life.

In my latest WSO I am going to show you how you can get offline clients easily, using a brand new "foot in the door" method no one has ever talked about. This is a unique way to get offline clients to pay you for your services!

This is one of the most simplest and easiest ways to make money from offline business owners and a great way to get offline clients by using this "sneaky" foot in the door strategy!

There are lots of offline business owners out there that are in need of help with their online marketing. However, too many people are using the same methods of getting them to respond back to you. The danger is once you use up all the methods of contacting them offline business owners are going to end up deleting your emails...The Offline Competition strategy solves this problem easily!

This strategy can be used for 99% of offline business owners out there, and by using this strategy you are going to be playing a clever "psychological trick" that will literally force them to hand you over their $97.00. If you are an offline marketing consultant then you must be crazy not to be doing this, then you need to use this "foot in the door" method!

This system is not only easy to implement but also can easily be outsourced. There is NO investment needed to get this system up and running, and there is no cold calling or any selling involved.

This technique is simple and you will get a lot of offline clients responding back to you, because they will not only be worried about their competition but they will be easy to do something about this fast!

In this WSO I am going to reveal my exact step-by-step strategy on how to get started and exactly what to do. There are screenshots and examples where I show you how I find these potential clients, and how I apply the "foot in the door" competition strategy - I also call this theROLE MODEL METHOD.

In this WSO I show you exactly how to go about finding potential offline clients, and then offering them this service, through my copy and paste swipe COMPETITION swipe files!

I also reveal my exact secret "ROLE MODEL" strategy I use to get clients begging me for my services.

This is a simple, no brainer way of getting offline clients, whilst making money at the same time!

The Offline Client Competition Method Is A Simple, Step-by-Step "Foot In The Door" Strategy Of Getting Offline Clients, And Then Making Money From Then. By Using This Strategy You Are Going To Easily Persuade Them To Say "YES" To Your Services!

The Swipe Files Focus on the Following.

1. The "Competition Urgency" Swipe
2. The "ROLE Model" Swipe"
3. The "Follow Up" Swipe

The Entire Offline Competition Cash System Is A 100% No Brainer. It Is Ideal For Any Newbie Offline Consultants Wanting To Make Money, And Wishing To Get Offline Clients. This WSO Has All The Copy And Paste Swipe Files, Including A Special Report You Can Give To Business Owners That Will Convince Them To Use Your Services!

In the Swipe Files I show you EXACTLY what to say and how to go about getting these offline clients. These are easy to use Swipe files that will get your foot in door!

In this WSO I will also show you the exact type of services to offer to offline business owners and the exact niche I focus on that generates me the most responses!

The Offline Competition Cash Method Is A Unique Way Of Getting Your Doot In The Door, And Making Money At The Same Time! All You Need To Do Is Use My "Copy And Paste" Swipe Emails And Simply Cash In!

In this WSO (Main Guide), I will show you how to use the Offline Competition Cash Method (Step-by-Step) on ANY niche and how to find these clients and the exact source I use to find these offline clients....

I will show you the exact step-by-step approach I use, including how to use the swipe files.

But that’s not all!

[Image: bonus.jpg]
In this WSO I also provide a special [b]BONUS Report!

In this bonus gift I provide you with a special report, where I show you how I use the "survival of the fittest" method to sell my offline marketing services to business owners...

The Offline Competition Cash System Is A Simple, Step-by-Step Method Of Making Money From Business Owners, Using A Carefully Tested Simple "Foot In The Door" Strategy. By Using This Approach You Will Be Seen As A Leading Offline Marketing Consultant Who Is Here To Save Their Business From Failing, Just Like A Gladiator!

[Image: btncmbo_30153.png]

[Image: glad.gif]

I am offering an [b]early bird special for the early birdy warriors![/b]

[Image: early-bird.jpg]

To take advantage click the PAYMENT button below before early birdy price goes up! Tongue
Mirror Creator is not working on my PC for some reason, always waiting for ad.yieldmanager to load page
ZESH is another Warrior that makes more money selling WSOs than being in the offline field making money.

Funny how often he is using the word "simple" and "easily" in his headers. I guess it's perfect for the newbie crowd that will soon find out that it ain't "simple" and "easy" in real life.
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Just Google the name of the product and there it is and OTO
Link not working !
After seeing all the "link not found" replies I started thinking... Okay, I am atheist, but if I believed I would say: "This is God protecting the innocent!".

To OP - Please don't forget [ZESH ALERT] in the title, because someone might actually download this!

Fresh DOWNLOAD links:

[hide]Are you crazy mate? Did you expect from me to share a link of this shit... LOL...

Close the page and never come back

Btw, it was fun writing this, hopefully I won't get ANY thanks[/hide]
New Link posted, mucho apologies to all!
Main offer:
Magic Button :
Magic Button :

Mirrors coming..hold on! Smile
Mirrors as requested! Smile

Magic Button :
http://[Reported by Members as spam/premium links]/file/forbidden/

Magic Button :
http://[Reported by Members as spam/premium links]/file/forbidden/

indigeniuous Wrote:Just to summarise this is what you need to do.
1. Head over to Google Maps and type in the business niche and the postcode you wish to target.
2. Once Google Maps shows you the search results select 4-5 businesses that have websites.
3. Open up a Spreadsheet and jot down the name of these businesses, along with other details (please refer to the spreadsheet attached).
4. Find a business on your spreadsheet that would be an "ideal role model" for other businesses.
5. Find a business that is spending money on online marketing services or is based near the businesses that you researched on - make sure this business has a lot of problems in terms of marketing.
6. Contact the business using my swipe file techniques.
7. Make money!

Zesh is simply amazing!!!
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