03-24-2013, 01:17 PM
Can some one help me in removing theme credit links on my site? I tried
to do it but when ever i remove the links my site wil crash and i have
to add the links again to make site work.
here is the decoded script in Function.php
Can anyone please help me with this.
to do it but when ever i remove the links my site wil crash and i have
to add the links again to make site work.
here is the decoded script in Function.php
$thetheme = 'Pinkster';
$theerrmessage =
"<div style=\"font-size:13px;line-height:19px;\"><a href='"
. admin_url() . "'>« Back To Admin
Dashboard</a><br />" . "<b>Oppss! Looks like you have
removed or changed the theme credit links. Well, we did put a
<span style=\"color:#CC3300\">WARNING SIGN</span> there.
The theme is now deactivated.</b></div><br
/><div style=\"font-size:19px;
padding-top:20px;\"><b>Please Follow These Steps To Restore
The Theme:</b></div><ol style=\"margin:0; padding:20px;
text-align:left;\"><li>Please redownload <a
href=\"http://www.magpress.com/download/" . strtolower($thetheme) .
".zip\" target=\"_blank\">" . $thetheme . " WP
Theme</a>.</li><li>Extract and
FTP upload/replace/overwrite <strong>sidebar.php</strong>
inside the " . strtolower($thetheme) . "
theme folder</li><li>Finally, refresh your page to activate
the theme again.</li></ol></div><br
/><div style=\"font-size:13px;line-height:19px;\">If you want
to use a <strong>no sponsored link version</strong> of this
theme. Please consider purchasing its developer license:<br
/><a href=\"http://www.magpress.com/developer-license\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.magpress.com/developer-license</a></div>";
function init_admin_link_array() {
global $shortname, $thetheme;
$arraylink = array(
'<a href="http://www.koreanfashionclothing.com/">KoreanFashionClothing.com</a>',
'<a href="http://www.koreanfashionclothing.com/">www.koreanfashionclothing.com</a>',
'<a href="http://www.koreanfashionclothing.com/">Korean Clothing</a> from http://www.koreanfashionclothing.com/',
'<a href="http://www.koreanfashionclothing.com/">Korean Fashion</a> from http://www.koreanfashionclothing.com/',
'<a href="http://www.koreanfashionclothing.com/">Korean
Fashion Clothing</a> from http://www.koreanfashionclothing.com/',
'<a href="http://www.koreanfashionclothing.com/">Online
Korean Fashion</a> from http://www.koreanfashionclothing.com/',
'<a href="http://www.koreanfashionclothing.com/">Online
Korean Clothing</a> from http://www.koreanfashionclothing.com/',
'<a href="http://www.koreanfashionclothing.com/store/">Korean Models</a> from KoreanFashionClothing.com',
'<a href="http://www.koreanfashionclothing.com/store/">KPop Fashion</a> from KoreanFashionClothing.com',
'<a href="http://www.koreanfashionclothing.com/online-asian-clothing/">Asian Clothing
Websites</a> from KoreanFashionClothing.com',
'<a href="http://www.koreanfashionclothing.com/online-asian-clothing/">Online Asian
Clothing</a> from KoreanFashionClothing.com'
$arraylinkmp = array(
'<a href="http://www.magpress.com/wordpress-themes/pinkster.html">Pinkster WordPress Theme</a>',
'Pinkster <a href="http://www.magpress.com">WordPress Theme</a>',
'Pinkster <a href="http://www.magpress.com">WordPress Template</a>',
'Pinkster <a href="http://www.magpress.com">WP Theme</a>',
'Pinkster <a href="http://www.magpress.com">WP Template</a>'
$inputlink = array_rand($arraylink,1);
$thetextlink = $arraylink[$inputlink];
$inputlinkmp = array_rand($arraylinkmp,1);
$thetextlinkmp = $arraylinkmp[$inputlinkmp];
if('themes.php' == basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) {
if($_REQUEST['activated']=='true') {
if( get_option($shortname.'_link_array') == "" ):
if( get_option($shortname.'_linkmp_array') == "" ):
function check_theme_valid() {
global $theerrmessage;
if(!function_exists('init_error_message_form')): wp_die( $theerrmessage ); endif; }
function theme_usage_message() {
global $theerrmessage;
wp_die( $theerrmessage ); }
function check_theme_footer() {
$f = get_template_directory() . "/sidebar.php";
$fd = fopen($f, "r");
$c = fread($fd, filesize($f));
fclose($fd); if ( strpos( $c, '<?php ' . 'echo ccc_footer_license(); ?>' ) == 0) {
theme_usage_message(); die;
function ccc_footer_license() {
global $thetheme, $textlink, $textlinkmp;
$textlink = get_theme_option('link_array');
$textlinkmp = get_theme_option('linkmp_array');
return $textlinkmp . ' By ' . $textlink;
Can anyone please help me with this.