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How to HACK Google Authority [FREE 26 pg. PDF]

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thanks! saves the optin!
normally ryan is all theory!
lets see what's got to say this time!
In other words: create a messy porn look type webpage.....and the hordes will stream in. Probably worth a test site.
This is actually a good downloand.
He covers how a site didn't have many visitors, and what they did to overcome that.
He mentions that their clean, organized design wasn't doing much for visitors, but when they switched to a "cluttered" site, things changed. Very interesting take and it does make sense as I have seen many sites using this type of look, and like he says, it seems that people then take the time to see if there are any stories that they have missed, so they stick on the site longer, etc. Worth the download for sure.
Just a heads up, looks like more to come
Pre-Launch content...

Like to get the full course when it launches :-)

Cheers, Johnny63
Yeah, good strategy plus content curation = profit :) I hear who opt-in to maillist, on sunday get free traffic loophole course. Somebody have full course?
These gurus are something else. First they say that "cluttered" is BAD! Clean is good. Now they're saying clean is BAD and cluttered is GOOD?
Can anyone share how he can get an exit pop up in his facebook app?
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