03-18-2013, 10:53 PM
Hi everone!
I need help with some PHP coding i hope there is some programmers on this forum who can help me.
I have a problem after a penguin because some of portfolio projects gives me a mass of backlinks so my website has been probably penalized.
I need to fix this that only home page of all pages show my keword all others must show brand name.
The problem is because i use funkc.php file for all pages in website for footer: (For EXAMPLE code show this)
$link_bv='<a href="http://www.mysite.si" title="Izdelava spletnih strani" >Izdelava spletnih strani</a>';
How to fix the code in funkc.php file that only index.php will have that keyword and all other pages brand name anchor?
Thank you for help!
I need help with some PHP coding i hope there is some programmers on this forum who can help me.
I have a problem after a penguin because some of portfolio projects gives me a mass of backlinks so my website has been probably penalized.
I need to fix this that only home page of all pages show my keword all others must show brand name.
The problem is because i use funkc.php file for all pages in website for footer: (For EXAMPLE code show this)
$link_bv='<a href="http://www.mysite.si" title="Izdelava spletnih strani" >Izdelava spletnih strani</a>';
How to fix the code in funkc.php file that only index.php will have that keyword and all other pages brand name anchor?
Thank you for help!