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Full Version: [REQ] ZONMAGIC Theme - The Most Complete Featured WP Theme For Robust and Profitable Amazon Store
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WSO Salespage :


Share Please......
i need it too
Share please anyone?
bump bump :)
Bump? Anyone?
Plz share if you have it. Thanks.
I found this theme, I don't the expert for viruses so please someone to check this wordpress theme.I tray theme, but I have problem with main menu.Can somebody repair code for main manu and share with us, ofcour if the theme is clean.


Here is how to show main menu for me:
[Image: clip17.jpg]
Here are virustotal scan:

SHA256: ee8edd62eede87d3ab4efc080c29189aefc8fb22f7656d16b3439e19978a7a31
File name:
Detection ratio: 0 / 47
Analysis date: 2013-10-09 17:21:25 UTC ( 0 minutes ago )
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