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Thanks to OP...anyone got the OTO?

i'm impressed. you joined in Jul 2012 and this is your FIRST post on my thread 42rock

...and you know a HUGE course like this will take plenty of time to resize and then upload? you don't expect people to give you the download link directly right after you request (plus it's free). hope you understand. Smile
Hey model thanks for your kind words... FYI a lot of my shares over at BHT (where i am active) have been shared here (with and without acknowledgement). I don't have a problem with this, just stating a fact.

It's very easy to play the "I am superior" card on noobs and if it makes you feel good then fill your boots. But I am too long in the tooth to play that game.

So, as i said before, has anyone got the OTO for this product?

Peace and Love

thanks for your 2nd post here.

have it but wont share it now... if anyone has it, feel free to share it here.

cya around then.

P.S. i remember not too long ago, i was a noob too... i meant 2 months agoCool
That's a great attitude you got there model. Good luck to you.
Ok then model, I have a proposition for you...

Seeing as you've already got the oto and are unwilling to share it coz a stranger has had the temerity to ask for it...

Tell me the names of the files in the oto (as I understand it it's all PDFs)

When you do, I will do some ninja detective work and share my findings here for all the other noobs who are too afraid to speak up.

Sound like a deal?
still no otos yet? pls share if you have them ... many thanks!
Anyone have the course and want to "trade" some products of value, PM me!
Thanks Model

Do you or anyone have Bonus #1 - #3 , gone through
all mirror links and no joy


OP the 1fichier link is the only one
avail for the Bonus #1 - #3

I will be reupping

Many of the OP links have only one site that's working so I reupped the share. Links below:

Magic Button :
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