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(03-13-2013 06:05 PM)10zen Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-13-2013 03:06 PM)dexter88 Wrote: [ -> ]why i can't extract it?? I'm using winrar
It's password protected. I don't know why he didn't mention that.

Everyone, register on the site, activate the account.
Go to your account and under License click on New evaluation license.
Select Seo Machine lite as product,
Enter you machine code which you should get when first running the
Seo machine when you accept to activate it.
Click save and you'll get your activation key!
Thx for give the password
hi,i'm the co-creator of this software,can i ask u all for testimonials, it will be nice and helpful
if there is any question about the software u can email the support or just PM me
virus??? .............
(03-15-2013 09:44 PM)bramantya Wrote: [ -> ]hi,i'm the co-creator of this software,can i ask u all for testimonials, it will be nice and helpful
if there is any question about the software u can email the support or just PM me
Hey Bram

All I can say is if only the older generation of devs n coders actually
got the drift when their softs are tested by the "underground" testers
then they would realise just how not shouting out an upload of their
betas on forums like this will do them and their sales the world of good!!!

So FRAKING well done for coming on and asking buddy!

+rep coming your way!

There are a few bits n bobs u can add to but overall the seo machine is a very well put together bit of kit and we know for a fact that it being here being tested by bbhf will get u more public sales in the long run :-)

Would suggest maybe u get a bbhf special offer up, with an exclusive price for all here and get a copy over to lala or mod for their input!

Like the layout like the ultra speed and if u do not prick around u guys will have a very good long game seo tool as long as u update it

Well done
hey,thanks supercharger for your compliment...i'm kinda surprised when my software arrived here,because i just shared in my facebook and almost all of my friends are Indonesian, but i'm okay for being shared here, it's actually free anyway..

if anyone want to help with some nice testimonials for, i will give u a straight download link without referring visitors. If you are interested,or wanna help, you can email me Subject (REVIEW). Thanks..
http://[Reported by Members as SPAM THREAD]/so8zdj8q
http://[Reported by Members as SPAM THREAD]/e59rp8f5
http://[Reported by Members as premium hosting that SUCK! Use MEDIAFIRE or MEGA.NZ :) !!!].net/file/30d54007f422827f32eafffe47df9843/
(03-16-2013 04:19 PM)bramantya Wrote: [ -> ]hey,thanks supercharger for your compliment...i'm kinda surprised when my software arrived here,because i just shared in my facebook and almost all of my friends are Indonesian, but i'm okay for being shared here, it's actually free anyway..

if anyone want to help with some nice testimonials for, i will give u a straight download link without referring visitors. If you are interested,or wanna help, you can email me Subject (REVIEW). Thanks..
Like it when there is no bull and others can benefit!

Your offer has been added to my OP ;]
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