Hello BBHF,
Want To Make Easy Cash?
Just Download and Build Your Own CPA Machine!!
Plus CPA Newbie Courses.
Not much information on this, hope you guys like it(specially newbies)
sendspace link.
Good Luck!
Nice method that worth trying. Thanks for this
cam you help me about how i can acepted en CPA Network
(03-13-2013 05:18 AM)madalo1 Wrote: [ -> ]cam you help me about how i can acepted en CPA Network
Yes sure, pm me..
Thanks for the share, I am a "Newbie" so hopefully there's some good info in there for me
I take CPA offers that are more known.. ones people may be searching.. or some products you see commercials on TV, and they have an affiliate program.. Snag the keywords "buy producxxx online" and also "purchase productxxx online", and "buy productxxx" "purchase productxxx"... where productxxx is the product name... After doing like 100 products, spreading around different niche's and all, you can start racking up CPA sales/clickbank sales.... just by the machinegun effect.. every day, do a new product.. You may see a commercial your like, i bet 1million people just searched for that, and I am sure I can find an offer for it.. Boom, go do it...
i already being there but the problem with that type of poll pages is that they dont rank easly
Thanks for this I'm a new person at this, hopefully this will give me some ideas.
Hi, thanks for sharing this method. I want to try it but got rejected by CPA networks in the past. Could you pls help me how I can get approved by CPA network?? Thanks.