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Full Version: 2013 SEO Automation Foundation part 1 (Proxies)(VPS)
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Our Foundation for SEO automation begins with proxies.
Proxies basically hide who you are to the internet, think of being in a party for the first time and coming in with a mask, that’s what a proxy is. Now what if you meet a new guy whose name is (G)reg and you keep on changing your masks and talking to him? (G)reg will think that he’s talking to a totally different guy everytime, and this is what we need, otherwise (G)reg will get bored talking to the same guy for a while and evenBAN you from his presence. yea i’m sure you know who (G)reg really is by now, (his last name is oogle). So with this there is a lot of terminology which i will break down so that you can digest it easier.

There are 3 types of proxies:
  • level 1 (l1) elite (High Anonymous)
  • level 2 (l2) anonymous
  • level 3 (l3) transparent
So think of a level3/transparent proxie as you’re wearing a clear mask, sure you’re hiding behind a mask but ppl can still see who you are. Level 2 and Level 1 proxies are basically full masks, ppl will not know who you are, except with Level 2, they might “guess” who you are and you might have an incident like Tom Cruise did in “eyes wide shut”, either way both level 1 and level 2 proxies are good for hiding your identity.

Now proxies are just needed when you’re doing this, you’ll either get temporary bans from (G)reg or other people to even having your internet service provider cancelling your service because they got “spam” complaints from website owners. Not that what you’re doing is spam, just that they call it “spam” cause they believe that even though a wolf almost looks like a dog, they’ll just call it a dog anyway, internet service providers will just shut off your service if they receive complaints because they don’t want to deal with any possible issues and would rather just pull the plug on you.
Now there’s two types of proxies

1. public proxies-
Now i have no idea why public proxies are made, but they are, just do a (G)reg search “public proxies” or “free public proxies” and you’ll pull up tons of results, of course since everyone and their whatever… are using them so they “die” fast. Now you can go and (G)reg all you want and search for “free public proxies” and you’ll be there all day, or get a tool that does it automatically 24/7. (the alternative is to pay for lists, and who knows how fresh these lists are from one company) That tool is proxy goblin. There really is no easier tool, just run it, have it save to disk/ftp or email you an updated list every 10 20, minutes or whatever you want to define.

2. private proxies-
as for private proxies, these proxies are made by a company and has passwords associated with them so that only the person with the password can use them. This is good because only you have access to them, and gives less of a chance of someone else making these proxies worthless by spamming other people or whatever to death. Of course this means you have to pay for them, and usually it’s a monthly fee. You can do a G search for private proxies, i use a robust company called wooservers. Short story, their proxies can support more connections than the rest, most standard private proxies support 10 to 20 connections per proxy, this company almost has no limit! I’ve Tripled my posting results having since found them and their prices are the same as other private proxy providers as well, you can also use the de-facto standards yourprivateproxy or squidproxies, but their quality and uptime have been fading since they started getting popular.

Now that you know about proxies and have an idea of how to get them and what to get, we have to talk about where you’re gonna be running this software from. Of course your first thought is to run it from your computer… a few issues.
1. Your computer has to be on 24/7, for some people this is an issue, either because you dont’ want to pay high electric bills or other people use your computer and could even mess it all up.
2. Some software will use ALOT of bandwidth (traffic). Most ISP’s now are capping or have a softcap or an unspoken cap on your internet service, I have had months where my bandwidth has used 700gigs of bandwidth, and this is just using SEO tools, very little if any downloading of anything. (that has changed now with me and the wife using netflix/hulu all the time) If they find out you’re using too much bandwidth, there could be issues.
That’s why people use a VPS or a virtual private server. Basically you rent a VPS from a company and they have your virtual computer up 24/7. I use xsservers they offer good prices and what is essential “unmetered bandwidth” essentially unlimited bandwidth. (I’ve had months where my tools use 5 terabytes thats 5,000 gigs of bandwidth) I’m sure there are others out there, but once i setup my server(s) (i have 2 vps’s actually) I’m all set and happy.

That’s not to say i couldn’t run this software on my computer, I’m a computer geek so of course my home computer is a nice quadcore with tons of muscle, but again the bandwidth is the limiting issue. A VPS is optional, but as you use more tools and get better at using them and even running them 24/7 you’re gonna use a lot of bandwidth and would want to start looking into “unmetered” VPS’s.
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The links without the affiliate:

Proxy Goblin

Woo Servers

thanks for the links update.
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