03-05-2013, 03:44 AM
03-05-2013, 03:44 AM
03-05-2013, 03:46 AM
Fresh Review of this WSO.
Nile Vincent Wrote:
I'm sure everyone on this planet...or close to it...has heard of Kindle and eBooks...and all the multitude of programs, training courses and related info can be seriously overwhelming...
Where to start...how to understand...and it goes on...the frustration and confusion...You know this eBook business is big...really big...not to mention this Kindle thing...
And getting a piece of the action...well...that would really be nice...
Now you can easily master the Kindle creation process...then market your new creations to the max!...In one place...a 60 plus videos step-by-step online tutorial...
One seriously full video vault...if you will...containing most common topics of creating and marketing your eBooks...EASILY!!!
George Peirson knows this stuff...forwards and backwards...and he's your man when you need to know this Kindle creation and marketing info!...
Everything is shown in easy video format...clear and understandable!!!...finally...
Plus you receive lifetime membership to this bootcamp...so you'll have instant and continuously 24/7/365 access!!!
Also, the Mind Map...printable worksheets...tools that make your life so much more productive...Priceless!!!
Plus the Resources and Add'l links...items that'll save you an awesome amount of time and frustration...
In the online training, here's a list of what's in store for you...
Module 1...26 videos that'll get you rolling...
Kindle Success... (learning all about eBooks)...the what, where and how...step by step!...
Amazon Kindle...selling, formatting and testing...
Kindle Success Tactics...researching, creating and pricing...and much more!!!
Module 2...22 videos that are step-by-step...detailed and clear!...
Writing your eBook...
Using Microsoft Word...you'll learn how to use, format and create successful ebooks!!! Easily!
Writing in HTML...all the necessary tricks and tips to make this easy for anyone...No experience necessary!...Awesome skills!
Module 3...15 videos that'll clear up any issues...once and for all!
Formatting your eBook...how to use the toolkit, best programs, special editing techniques...and so much more!!!
What you have here is over 6 hours of some serious instructions...over-the-shoulder tutorials that'll have you mastering this incredible and interesting set of skills...
This is an amazing bootcamp...organized professionally, well structured...ease of use...
And the videos play on all devices...no frustrations and aggravations...now this is a relief!!!
George Peirson's "KINDLE EBOOK BOOTCAMP" is guaranteed to turn you into a master of this Kindle phenomena...easily and quickly...
Not to mention his excellent customer service...money-back guarantee...and ease of accessibility...you won't go wrong...
The price of this is seriously reasonable...you're not going to get these kind of instructions ANYWHERE for this ludicrously low price...
Grab this while you can...take action with these videos...and write to your heart's content...all the way to the bank...
03-05-2013, 03:57 AM
Well did sift through all of the jpg files on this one and all I came up with is pdf files? No 6 hours of videos. Also looked at the pdf files that I had just downloaded. 4 of the pdf's are one pagers. There is one pdf file that is 28 pages in length. So either this guy has a severe speech impediment or there are some essential things missing i.e. videos.
But that is my review of what was offered. But as always thanks for the effort ;)
But that is my review of what was offered. But as always thanks for the effort ;)
03-05-2013, 08:18 AM
any downliad links for the complete videos + PDFs
03-05-2013, 10:29 AM
Yes, I checked out this and just found a pile of jpg's and the few PDF's.
03-05-2013, 12:11 PM
Yea nothing but 4 1pg PDF's!
reup with complete course plz

reup with complete course plz