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no problem
but config.php is also complicated. There are three different sections for db informations with nearly the same labels.. Where is the exact place to set database settings?
(03-08-2013 12:21 PM)luissuun Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-08-2013 06:36 AM)silvery Wrote: [ -> ]anyone can help for installation? I've changed file permissions on data folder as 777 but still stuck in step 1

no install this script, but import sql file and set config.php
I've successfully installed without doing this. I've used michelle83 fixed files. No problem at all.. Thank you so much.
(03-11-2013 12:00 AM)zeytin Wrote: [ -> ]silvery:

in install adress :

For me there are problems on admin panel... for example details aren't saved, like title of site or domain. Do you works this for you? Thank's
I have no problems on admin panel. I can change or settings on my own. If you let me your ftp information with phpMyadmin details, I can try to reinstall for you.
(03-12-2013 06:12 AM)sienteasturias Wrote: [ -> ]For me there are problems on admin panel... for example details aren't saved, like title of site or domain. Do you works this for you? Thank's
Thank's i reinstall with the other package and was fine now! Thank's
good to see that everyone are able to install the file.
Apologise for no reply, just came back from Holiday :X
is that support share video?

why i cant see in upload box?
I used michelle83's files and it installed but I am having the following issues:

The register button does nothing.

Even chmodding the data dir to 777 I cannot get the web fetch or upload to work.

Any ideas?
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