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Full Version: [REQ] 100% Unique Mobile Game Code and Training with Ready Games!
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This One looks COOL!!!
Anybody wants to share it with me? Smile
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Hi AntonVS, i saw this in my mailbox but what is it? i mean what does he offer? 1 game template? i don't understand? If i had it i would share it with you especially with you you always give us so much nice things.
This is a general source code that must be modified by a developer. Sound and graphics need to be added, etc. It can be used to get a kick-start on mobile game development.
I wonder, among us there are programmers who are creating mobile applications and games?
I think that's one of the most promising niches in the market. I have lots of ideas, but little skills (I mean programming skills). Wink
Well, I already don`t want to get this stuff. Confused
You get the source code to one game, you need to buy the Corona APK $300, the free Corona does not compile, so he recommends hiring a developer.
As a result: you can not do anything with this crap unless you spend more money, spend ALOTTTT more time, or pay a developer.

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