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Full Version: [GET] Scrivener 1.02 for PC (Windows XP - Vista - W7)
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I decided I needed software to create stories, because I read the course by Andre Chaperon , Autoresponder Madness, where he talks about creating email sequences using storyboarding techniques.

This would be good for writing books, too of course.

Got this from pirate bay, so it is available in a torrent form also. Too large for a virustotal scan, but malwarebytes on my machine came up clean, and avast came up ok also.

I left everything as it was when I downloaded it, except I put it into rar archive.

How to install:

1. Disconnect Internet.

2. Install Scrivener with the installer.

3. Execute the Patch, look for the Scrivener executable (it should be in

'C:\Program Files\Scrivener' or 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Scrivener' and patch it).

4. Execute Scrivener and use SCRWIN (in caps letters) as serial.
just use whatever serial name you want.

New links:
Magic Button :

New links:
Magic Button :

Old links (will leave them here in case any are still working)
Magic Button :


Don't be afraid to mirror any of my shares, it saves me the trouble. On the other hand don't be afraid to let me know if any are no longer working and perhaps I can re-upload them when I have time...
Thanks for sharing this. Rep added.
Just what the doctor ordered! Thanks and rep added!
This looks like a very creative tool. ++REP given, thanks!!!!
Thank you, +++Rep.
Any update to getting v1.6.1?
Files all deleted, please re-up -also anyone have v1.6+ ?
Never mind, found a an easier method! For anyone interested in this great writing program you can basically get it for free by doing 2 things:

1. Download the trial version from the website below:

This will last for 30 individual days usage - not 30 consecutive days

2 Just before it runs out, if you go on to the forum that the site has there's a section where you can download the next beta version. That has an end date on it but before it runs out they release the next beta so download that. Repeat. The betas only contain updates - not major changes.

It's not an overly expensive bit of software and worth buying if you like it; but this method should give you a lengthy time to experiment.
Thanks and rep given to phil123 for the info on perpetual free use!
(02-28-2013 11:33 AM)one Wrote: [ -> ]I decided I needed software to create stories, because I read the course by Andre Chaperon , Autoresponder Madness, where he talks about creating email sequences using storyboarding techniques.

This would be good for writing books, too of course.

Got this from pirate bay, so it is available in a torrent form also. Too large for a virustotal scan, but malwarebytes on my machine came up clean, and avast came up ok also.

I left everything as it was when I downloaded it, except I put it into rar archive.

How to install:

1. Disconnect Internet.

2. Install Scrivener with the installer.

3. Execute the Patch, look for the Scrivener executable (it should be in

'C:\Program Files\Scrivener' or 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Scrivener' and patch it).

4. Execute Scrivener and use SCRWIN (in caps letters) as serial.
just use whatever serial name you want.

Magic Button :

wwould you mind to share the content of week 26 of TLB?

I've found the first 25 weeks (with an unsuccessful casestudy) and somebody told me that there's a second casestudy.
Hope to see your response soon
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