all in one with software and oto - Thanks to Johnny and Raven
FYI, oto contains:
5 graphics in .psd
1 theme with setup instructions
The 10 emails are not in the mirror because they are not available yet. Use this link provided by JohnnyShadow in Post: #5to check for their availability then share them in this thread.
Software needs some tweaking!!!!!!!!!!! Try picking a city like nashville tn. If you select tn in state box and then try to select nashville in city box, there are 10 nashvilles listed and if you don't select the right one, it auto changes the state on you. Likewise if you select nashville you have to go down thru the choices looking for the one you want(the state changes as you click on each one). If you type in nashville in city box and then select tn in state box, it will auto change the city box back to say "all cities". So the only way to get the right one, is to scroll down in the city box until you get to the 10 nashville listings, then click on each one until tn appears in state box. Strange navigation.