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Here´s The Latest V1.2

Magic Button :

Thanks 2 swirl
Thanks JS and swirl for the update
Some how its not working for me. any help guys? i feel i made mistake somewhere..
Muchas Gracias Johnny y Swirl muy apreciado !!24clapping
JohnnyShadow is da Man -)

Thanks JS for your awesome shares!

Anyone happens to have the update to CovertSocialContent?

Cheers, Johnny63

Hey gang, seems when the Forum server was hit, the updates I had posted were taken down.

************UDPATED 07/13/2013***********

Here is the latest for the Covert Social Press Theme v1.3 and the
Covert Social Content PRO v1.1 (with YouTube integration):



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Thanks :)

Thanks man! This is awesome!....
thanks!!!!! version 1.3 is out. can we have that too @NoWnZeN ?
Great share, many thanks!
version 1.3 is out. can we have that too??
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