I don't know about your success stories but I am so fed up with running around in circles looking for the right course that works
Can someone give an honest answer, does Google Sniper 2 work with today's Google updates?
Or can anyone advise on a course worth doing
I am not asking to be spoon fed just "what f***ing works" lol
I have all the skills needed but I need a blueprint to follow and implement
I have been running around downloading everything for years now and my hard drive is full right up
My brain is going to blow up (INFORMATION OVERLOAD TO THE MAX)
I am so ready to succeed once and for all...
Help us out guys WHAT WORKS !!!! What is worth putting all your efforts into?
Any help or suggestions I will take on board and implement
I am asking here on BBHF cos some of you guys here rock and will tell the truth

so heres the truth big bro for 6 months i have earned 0 like you i have download all.the wso a grest internet marketer told and thas not me"its not only knowing about how to use the tools for buiing the house its all aboug builing them" now this month i made 10 dollar that does not seem much to you guys but my wagon is started to roll why because the only problem with of us is INFoRMaTion OvEeLoAd think just make one plan and then implement everything you know rather than making thousand plan YOu rEaLly REAlY read AlEX JEFRRey theNEWbiE nIghtMare itS just naked truth and inspirational
its a Free ebook worth of thousands if you are having trouble finding it message me i will upload it for you i have it in my pc bye
(02-13-2013 02:52 AM)MellowD Wrote: [ -> ]I have all the skills needed but I need a blueprint to follow and implement
I have been running around downloading everything for years now and my hard drive is full right up
My brain is going to blow up (INFORMATION OVERLOAD TO THE MAX)
I am so ready to succeed once and for all...
Help us out guys WHAT WORKS !!!! What is worth putting all your efforts into?
Any help or suggestions I will take on board and implement
I am asking here on BBHF cos some of you guys here rock and will tell the truth
Just take the STEP man. You want blueprint, here is the blueprint.
1.Find something to sell.
2.Drive traffic to it.
3.Monetize traffic.
How to do all of the above? I think you know, you said so yourself, you have so much information right now, you're going to explode.
This is the common symptom of Analysis Paralysis. Too much analysis but don't do nothing in the end. You are looking for that ONE perfect formula, highly unlikely you're going to find it. That formula is not going to be in one book, it's going to be in severals. Combine them, make your own formula.
You have to appreciate the fact that you have access to resources worth thousands of dollars.
Reading time is over my friend, It's DO time, right now!
PS: i have an A4 paper glued to my wall with this quote written on it:
" No need to be perfect,
You can always tweak later."
Hi Mellow
I won't say I'm earning big bucks already. But I surely got things sorted down a bit. For recommending a course... tbh.... I hardly ever read/try most things I download from here and those which I do hardly ever end up being practiced. so, no I'm not the best guy to recommend something thing in particular although I might be able to point to a few things depending on what you are looking for.
Are you looking for a course on SEO/linkbuilding or are you looking for making money regardless of how it comes?
Thanks guys for all the info and help...
Hey bro,
Let me ask, what skills needed do you have?
I say this because sometimes we have more going on for us then we realize and it helps to for others to know just what you can and cannot do. Then peeps can properly advise, suggest and direct....
(02-13-2013 02:52 AM)MellowD Wrote: [ -> ]Guys...
I don't know about your success stories but I am so fed up with running around in circles looking for the right course that works
Can someone give an honest answer, does Google Sniper 2 work with today's Google updates?
Or can anyone advise on a course worth doing
I am not asking to be spoon fed just "what f***ing works" lol
I have all the skills needed but I need a blueprint to follow and implement
I have been running around downloading everything for years now and my hard drive is full right up
My brain is going to blow up (INFORMATION OVERLOAD TO THE MAX)
I am so ready to succeed once and for all...
Help us out guys WHAT WORKS !!!! What is worth putting all your efforts into?
Any help or suggestions I will take on board and implement
I am asking here on BBHF cos some of you guys here rock and will tell the truth
@MellowD - Really?! With all of the stuff made available here - if you can't make money you are doing the absolute wrong thing..
For any nooblet, I strongly suggest staying away from this garbage that is going to make only a few dollars a conversion go for something that one conversion will make you a sweet paycheck ie 500+. Use your brain. Create your own product or service and drive traffic to it - make sure your shit converts, from your landing/sales page to your ads - as far as I ads I personally bank off of mailing, but there are plenty that do very well with display and/or solo ads. You will spend loads of money and waste lots of time unless you start something, finish it and keep improving/tweaking everything. Don't stop working, don't be a lazy c***.. It's not going to just fall into your lap - you have to go and get it. You don't need anyone else's blueprint; just your own. Get a physical piece of paper and a pen (not the notepad on your pc) and write down your to-do list, when you finish something check it off (you will end up adding a lot more as you go a long) this is the only way that I have personally been able to actually manage all the projects that I work on - the key is to have your hands in as many baskets as possible. Oh and F*** SEO, that shit is a total waste of time these days.
Apply for mturk(dot)com . i am also newbie here . but while searching the bbht. i focused sometime on mturk. i earned 350 $ right now in just few months. right now , mturk stopped taking new workers.i think if you are from US. you may get a chance to work there. i know some turkers are earning 100$ per day for simple copy paste work. you can also try as search engine rater! try lionbrdsge, leapforce. if you are really focus on auto pilot system . stick on one method.
Goole snipper!. i heard about one and half year ago. after google made some changes and every thing gone. niche sites always good until google algorithm chages.
Rule # 1
The odds you are not going to build a website and watch money roll in.
Rule #2
The only people making money on those MAKE MONEY RIGHT THIS MINUTE is the person selling the "secret".
Proof - a guy wrote pdf about earning $1500 on Twitter for $9.95. He got upset because it was shared here. He said that he had FINALLY! found a way to make money by selling the book and we were giving it a way. I asked him why he cared since he was making $1500 and he didn't answer me.
The people I know personally that make their living online have several sites 50 or more.
Those sites make less than a hundred dollars a month.
They outsource as much as they can.
Each website is looked at like a long term investment. Buy good domain name hold on to for a year or more. Get some traffic and sell it.
I started an entertainment website so I could get free tickets. Never occurred to me to make money. Over the years companies asked me if they could advertise on my website. Then I got asked to write articles. I get $60 to $75 per article. But that includes publishing and promoting the article. Now I have about 20 domains. lol I have a hard core marketing friend that gets irritated that I am not more dedicated to making money on the sites. Drives her nuts.
Along the way I found out that people really didn't know how to gather and write an article. The people that did, were taking too long. People pay me to teach them how to research and write articles.
My suggest.
1. Get your first website. Get a free blog. Don't be to narrow in your focus.
2. Write about something you like or want to learn about.
3. Don't try to make money right away. Learn how to setup and run the website.
4. Update it as many times a week as you can.
5. Do some backlinks use Paul's do it by hand and learn about commenting.
6. Do the index and ping and all that.
7. Get some affiliate links.
8. You shouldn't had to spend any money so far so buy some advertising. If you get free Google ads use them or buy some.
Answer these questions
1. Why do I want/need to go to your website?
2. Why do I want/need to click on your affiliate link.
Hope this helps.