please pm me, thanks in advace
I am interested. Please pm me the pdf
Updates for new interested people. Over 100 copies have been sold to people who successfully applied it and made some good cash so far. I will sell my method to 50 more people and stop there. Now I've changed my policy. Currently to get the PDF you pay $50 first and $6 for 1 HC (hacked computer) that will be used to make a test and first conversions - so you can understand how everthing works and also make sure that it really works.
Also have a look at my video:
Looking forward to working with you.
Hope am not too late??
The method still works? Anybody minds sharing it here guys?
(03-19-2013 11:09 PM)CPAmaster33 Wrote: [ -> ]ATTENTION:
Updates for new interested people. Over 100 copies have been sold to people who successfully applied it and made some good cash so far. I will sell my method to 50 more people and stop there. Now I've changed my policy. Currently to get the PDF you pay $50 first and $6 for 1 HC (hacked computer) that will be used to make a test and first conversions - so you can understand how everthing works and also make sure that it really works.
Also have a look at my video: /watch?v=90I4ooIuLiM
Looking forward to working with you.
I have sent you PM but still waiting for your reply. Pls respond as soon as you can with your payment details. Thanks.
Already answered. Please check and let me know if you received my message.