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Full Version: Cyborgcod Here!
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Hey guys,
Been in the game ALONG Time.
From BHT and others, Looking to Be apart of this Community Only.

I can Crack certain things, provide shares and a vast range of money making methods [white and black]

This place seems VERY Active, and thats what im looking for.
So, Sup Fools?

- Cy
Welcome... back Cyborgcod!
Never been here haha, Just Signed up way back.
Yeah, i did the same as you. Its the best black hat forum, you will love this community.
Seems the most active ive seen to be honest. BHT etc are Dead compared.
Yes i can confirm that. Btw, nice shares you made Cool
(02-12-2013 12:03 PM)cyborgcod Wrote: [ -> ]Seems the most active ive seen to be honest. BHT etc are Dead compared.
I think each have their good pointsSmile
Still some good ppl and discussions at BHT.
Altho I'm spending more time at BBHF now.
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