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Full Version: [Social Engeneering] Get e-mail password
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Hi guys and girls, i want to share a trick i was using to get some mail passwords just for fun. It was made back in the good old hack days 14 years ago when i was a teeny with a PC and 56k modem. Anyway.. here we go:
Magic Button :
1. Make a webpage, blog, article, etc... where you can put the text and even some "proof" images if you want to.

2. The text on the page should be something like this (i am pasting the text i have written on my page; Please excuse my English, its not my native language):

How to hack e-mail?

This can be done only with Yahoo! and Hotmail acounts. You must send e-mail to there is _ between bot and Or if the mail is at Hotmail /there is _ between adm and

1. In subject you must type the e-mail which password you want

2. In the first line of the mail type: <e-mail> <password>

3. In the second line type you're e-mail and its password because the bot will not discen you without this.

HOW IT WORKS??? It works very simple, because almost every internet company have BOT. This is a robot create to answer some orders. This bots make 80% of the internet calculations. When you give the order the bot understand you want from him the password of the e-mail which is typed in the subject menu. For more security programmers make this robots to want something for discerning, because it will come a full chaos in the net. With pointing you're e-mail and password, the bot check it and if it's true send a password to it. The e-mail you send must contain only the symbols in step 2 and 3 because it will not work !!!

3. Now register the e-mail accounts mentioned in the text: and (you should do this before writting the above text);

4. Make some advertisment of your "How to hack e-mail" article and wait for the people to send their own e-mail and password.

The method i am sharing is nothing so brilliant but if you find it useful or creative please give me some reputation :) I want to ask you not to change your victims password etc, since it is not ethical. Thanks!
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