Virtually every Internet marketer struggles to convert site visitors into customers or subscribers. The average conversion rate of a sales page is a rubbish 1%, while increasing numbers of site visitors are refusing to subscribe to marketers lists. Marketer’s need to combat these major problems by unleashing a suite of ‘conversion boosting’ tools and tools that will turn the maximum amount of site visitors into customers and subscribers.
Profit Detonator is THAT suite… It combines the most potent conversion maximization tools into a multi-tiered Worpdress plugin that will SKY ROCKET conversion rates across sales pages, blog posts, squeeze pages, authority site, and niche review site. If your list want to fly with the online eagles, they need to stop scratching with the online turkey. Sales Detonator provides everything you need to achieve that purpose.
The Features
Here is a quick outline of the powerful features of the the Profit Detonator plugin
Full Split Testing of up to 10 different versions of a web page simultaneously. Instantly compare different versions of headlines, sub headlines, call to action, prices, and every other on page element.
Line up an unlimited number of anchor text phrases to display in rotation. The plugin finds the anchor text phrases that gets the highest click through rate and automatically defaults to that phrase. This maximizes the clicks on internal site affiliate links for maximizes profits and commissions.
The plugin automatically finds the highest converting products on Clickbank and Amazon related to site anchor text phrases, and installs your affiliate link behind the optimized anchor text phrases.
This provides maximized money making on autopilot.
OTO 1: WP Profit Detonator PRO
OTO 1 adds developers rights and includes the following additional features:
The plugin automatically tracks inbound search terms used to land on the site from Google, Yahoo and Bing. It will then flip banner ads to promote only products directly related to those terms. This explodes the CTR on site ads, eliminates banner ad blindness and sky rockets your affiliate commissions.
The plugin super imposes a heatmap over your entire sites, tracks click activity and highlight area’s that are under performing as well as hot areas for optimum placement of banner ads.
The plugin automatically tracks inbound search terms used to land on the site from Google, Yahoo and Bing. It will then flip the lead magnets inside your popup web forms to offer a Free download that directly matches the subject matter of the inbound terms. This explodes the subscribe rate, build a big list in the fastest time possible and sky rockets your affiliate commissions.
OTO 2: The Sales Detonator eBook
The Profit Detonator is A 150+ page course detailing the most explosive strategies for sky rocketing conversions, clicks and sales. It will enable marketer to dramatically increase profits from sales pages, emails, squeeze pages, blogs, review sites and authority sites WITHOUT any need to increase traffic.
Some of the strategies discussed inside include: A/B split testing, developing hooks, clever technique to boost clicks, copy writing secrets, tricks used by million dollars marketers to boost responsiveness and so much more. It’s a fascinating read that your list will be forever grateful for receiving.
OTO 3: The Templates
Here is a quick outline of the powerful features of the second upsell
The OTO 2 features a suite of cutting edge templates that will enable marketers to turn the theory they learn inside Incomizer into IMMEDIATE Action
The Profit Detonator is A 150+ page course detailing the most explosive strategies for sky rocketing conversions, clicks and sales. It will enable marketer to dramatically increase profits from sales pages, emails, squeeze pages, blogs, review sites and authority sites WITHOUT any need to increase traffic.
Some of the strategies discussed inside include: A/B split testing, developing hooks, clever technique to boost clicks, copy writing secrets, tricks used by million dollars marketers to boost responsiveness and so much more. It’s a fascinating read that your list will be forever grateful for receiving.