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Full Version: [GET] Localizer Leads Tool - Nulled by Taur
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Thank you for this null, Taur... I joined your mailing list, today:)

It installs perfectly -- provided, you follow the installation instructions.
I'm running on Win7 with an up-to-date Adobe AIR installed, if that makes any difference.

FYI... when installing, you are asked if you want to UPDATE to latest version... let it update.
Then, follow Taur's instructions to complete the installation and it works, perfectly... or, at least it did for me.

The app is fairly quick and the results can be worked easily, but this is NOT as complete an SEO tool as Places Scout, IMHO, if you're going to make a purchase.
Thank you share Taur,
it works great rep added.
there could be some software update coz mine no longer works
Thank you Taur
zippy mirror:


thx Taur, full +rep added.
it won't ever install;i think sth has changed
Sorry but it now says the installer is damaged ? any advice?
yes I made mirror thinking this may work but it is not.. may be taur can share the latest nulled version pls.
This is the message I get...

The application could not be installed because the installer file is damaged. Try obtaining a new installer file from the application author.
Is the email column filling up for anyone?
For every search I do, i am only getting max 2 email ids.
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