02-03-2013, 03:55 AM
I just managed to get my hands on a new and improved pinglist for WP Rapid Indexer Plugin
I already customized the list with the {raw_url} syntax
This is a huge list taken with scrapebox ( not by me) but it is the latest used for any ping purposes( meaning it can be imported in GSA, SeNuke, Scrapebox....and all ping software)
I randomly checked the url's from this list and i got them all valid ( the ones that i randomly checked)
I strongly advice anyone to use this list instead of old one shared by me in the Wp rapid indexer thread as i discovered that list has some
dead links and/or the url's are not providing a pingback
The list was generated in December 27 so it's pretty much new.
One important thing: Do not copy and paste the entire list into Wp-Rapid Indexer Settings tab. It will crash your browser due to the amount of links included in the clipboard.
It's best to create a backup/ copy of the list and Cut/ Paste 100- 200 links at the time in the WP rapid Settings tab. repeat this process ( adding 100- 200 links at a time until you
cleared all list- if you want to put all , or you can stop when you think you have enough of them.
My personal settings are: I divided the list in 4 . and i will load each list part to a specific time interval. ie:
the first part i loaded today and i will let the plugin activated to ping those url's for 2 days. Then i will delete the first part links and load the second
part and let it also for another 2 -3 days ( it will take time because there are alot)
So basically you spin the list and with that you will not overload your hosting provider server and all the bad things that happen due to overload
I Started this new thread instead of adding the list at the bottom of the initial WP rapid indexer list as i think it will be more visible
to anyone. If the forum mods consider that it should be moved in the old WP Rapid Indexer thread..it's also fine by me.
PLEase add more mirrors
( i'm in a hurry i can't add more now)
password for archive is the usual ( name of the forum without http)
I already customized the list with the {raw_url} syntax
This is a huge list taken with scrapebox ( not by me) but it is the latest used for any ping purposes( meaning it can be imported in GSA, SeNuke, Scrapebox....and all ping software)
I randomly checked the url's from this list and i got them all valid ( the ones that i randomly checked)
I strongly advice anyone to use this list instead of old one shared by me in the Wp rapid indexer thread as i discovered that list has some
dead links and/or the url's are not providing a pingback
The list was generated in December 27 so it's pretty much new.
One important thing: Do not copy and paste the entire list into Wp-Rapid Indexer Settings tab. It will crash your browser due to the amount of links included in the clipboard.
It's best to create a backup/ copy of the list and Cut/ Paste 100- 200 links at the time in the WP rapid Settings tab. repeat this process ( adding 100- 200 links at a time until you
cleared all list- if you want to put all , or you can stop when you think you have enough of them.
My personal settings are: I divided the list in 4 . and i will load each list part to a specific time interval. ie:
the first part i loaded today and i will let the plugin activated to ping those url's for 2 days. Then i will delete the first part links and load the second
part and let it also for another 2 -3 days ( it will take time because there are alot)
So basically you spin the list and with that you will not overload your hosting provider server and all the bad things that happen due to overload
I Started this new thread instead of adding the list at the bottom of the initial WP rapid indexer list as i think it will be more visible
to anyone. If the forum mods consider that it should be moved in the old WP Rapid Indexer thread..it's also fine by me.
PLEase add more mirrors
( i'm in a hurry i can't add more now)
password for archive is the usual ( name of the forum without http)