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Full Version: [GET] [Crush AMAZON] Little-Known Products Earn YOU $68 PER SALE. Fish. Barrel
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Direct Downloads

Magic Button :
thanks for the share!
Heres some mirrors.....
Magic Button :
This WSO claims to show you how to earn $80 from 1 sale on Amazon. Well, me myself I do sells for $60-90 for 1 sale in Amazon, so I was wondered if this guy writes about my selling method, because obviously for so high commission you must sell products that cost thousands of buck each of them. What I found inside are 4 excell spread sheets (I better say "spread shits") with list of amazon products with their prices and seraches/month. Guess what is the niche?...Well, notoriously known niches like - children car seats, cribs, headphones, gps and other electronics. Maximum price 900 Usd (so where you get $90 commission?). This WSO is a laught. In my opinion, it was created something like in 30 minutes using two scraping tools from Amasuite and using the most saturated niches. Also, electronics are not good niches for amazon sites, it is very fast changing - before you rank on 1st position, another newer model comes and you loose sales (at least this is my personal experience). Third part of the WSO is written dialogue (ficticious in my opinion) with some 8 Fiverr topsellers. Questions like Did fiverr change your life?, Do you have family support? What you do before launching the gig?.....etc. BLAH.... Any free youtube tutorial about how to use Amasuite can give you 1000x more than this WSO. Anyway, thanks for sharing. Even bad WSO sharing is important, because you will find out that if somebody is earning money with 30mins WSO crap like this, than you can do it too - or even much better.
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