Bloody love it - well worth the wait - Bill's a real gem :)
compressing them to about 300 megs each, will take time but I'll upload them here when done.
Thanks for great share model and biboo. Rep added to both.
Here you go guys, as promised, compressed videos + PDF mirror
Both videos < 300 MB
Compressed Video + PDF Mirror
PDF: [hide]
(02-02-2013 12:49 AM)model Wrote: [ -> ]@eric,
thanks for sharing. the .pdf file link is gone
can you share the main video as well? was actually waiting for that one...
I've checked the mediafire link, try copy/pasting it into address bar directly, seems to work.
The original video is already heavily compressed and about 400 MBs, there's no way to reduce it much further.
Oh. I think I was late. Sorry model I was out today.